Thursday, July 30, 2009


今晚不知道怎么了, 脑海里一直涌起一些回忆, 一些连自己都觉得不可思议的事情..好奇怪..

Monday, July 27, 2009


越来越多问题, 是在挑战我的能耐吗?
今天收到三封辞职信, 再加上之前的两个, 受不了.
更糟的是, 有些人还在制造另一些问题, 当我是垃圾桶, 把他们不要的人都说要送过来.
人走了, 而我却没有选择似的, 要嘛就拿, 要不就没人. 这是什么世界???

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today received a weird call from a stranger in office.

He knew my name, extension number inside production floor and also some issues in my line!!

I was stunned when the guy start talking...i cant really get what he was saying at the first place because I was still in shocked..but i managed to catch the last few words from him.

Initially I thought my colleague was trying to fool me around, but then I know it was not.
I guess there's someone in the production is not very happy my current leaders or my management style and trying to bring up my attention.
Been running production for almost 5 yrs, this the very first time I received such call..hmm...
I dont think i am going to do anything, but will monitor the situation and see what the person is true.

haa...I thought this kind of scenario will only happen in drama, but now it's real life story to me..think my job is getting more exciting ! not about the production output target but the people management portion..

wish me luck ! hopefully the next call wont be any threatening content if there's any..else i think i am going to bring up to management or may be a police case...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting Frustrating..

well well well, it's time for me to show my anger here again!!

" your problem become my problem, my problem stil my problem"..recently because of someone, i get a lot of troubles in works...everyday fire fighting and need to entertain my boss at the same time...very tiring...

Initially I thought I can handle these, but when issues getting more and more, I think I would like to surrender and show the white flag ... oh my...give me a break ~~