Sunday, September 27, 2009

ROM Photos

Finally got my ROM photos from my buddy, Terence and just completed editing the photo and worked on some touch up..Here we go ! Will upload more photos on facebook when I got another part from Bobby..
Thanks all for making this memorable !!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What A Day !!

Wow..after joining current company for almost about 10 months, finally i have a chance to meet up with the operational director !! haha...but not for compliment but on some undeliverable tasks from us..
Well, he is quite a nice guy and very smart i would say..
but i guess my boss and my boss's boss are not so happy by being called in to his room..haha...
work still carry still goes on !!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Counting Down

Finally can have a peace of mind to count down for a new chapter for my life..

Have been busy in work for the new product launch lately, just had 2 qualification reports approved, 1 more to go, but shouldn't have big issue on closing soon it ! and now it's my personal time to prepare for my ROM and new house moving! yea ~~

After shopping around those electronics shops over the last few weeks, COURTS, HARVEY NORMAN, BEST DENKI, GAIN CITY, AUDIO HOME..we have finally steped down in COURTS with quite a good deal for 3 items. TV , washing machine and fridge plus free vouchers of about $650 !!

So, basically we have settled those big items for our new house.. the next key "milestone" will be to settle the painting, another headache on choosing which color..haha..

Hope everything will goes well and ready to move in on 18th-Oct'09 !!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


今天算是特别的日子啦, 因为很多9嘛..哈..而且也越来越接近我们的大日子咯..
在注册局里,看到很多Leng Lui, 哈..原来要结婚的人都是美美的..
过后到RAFLLES去走走, 结果她在NineWest买了一双$85的高根鞋, 而我也在FCUK买了一件长袖衣, 还没决定要不要在ROM上穿, 因为设计是蛮casual的..$99..
回到家, 睡了个午觉, 就到Saloon去修头发和染发, 又花了我$74..
一天没上班, 就花了一大笔..

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to set priority???

You're criticizing me dont know how to manage my time, dont know how to set priority...

And I tried to be more clear on my priority list and yet you're keep interrupting me on minor minor stuffs...

Please teach me how can i stay focus on my priority task??? WTF ...

When everyone telling me about the priority task and you're there to tell me you dont care about the due date, because you just want to get your thing done and dont care the rest !!! WTF...

I really dont know what should I expect from matter what I did, how I do...I am always at the wrong side..