Friday, February 29, 2008

Wk2@Utah : 打油奇遇..

刚才和朋友到油站去打油. 哈...第一次在美国打油, 还有点不习惯.
在这里打油用GALLON 来算的. 现在大概1 GALLON USD$2.99.
结果我的MALIBU半缸打了$23,朋友的MAZDA 6 竟然打了$36..
MAZDA 6 油缸比较大吗?? 都是2.4L的车嘛..奇怪..奇怪..

过了这个星期,就会开始忙了..再加朋友们都不同SHIFT 了..很难再一起出去玩了..


AngMo: " Hey friends, where are you from? Are you coming here to study or work?
我们: " We're here for training.."
AngMo: " Oh great! How long are you intend to stay in state?"
我们: "For ard 6 months.."
AngMo: " Can we have a hug?" (我们都傻掉了...)
我们:" er..oooook " (我们三个就这样傻傻被两个陌生人抱了紧紧的一下..过后他们就驾车离开了..)

搞笑对吗??? 好突然..我们还以为他们要传教或是打劫..

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wk2@Utah : 蛋炒饭..

刚刚炒完饭, 是明天的午餐..看起来还不错吧..哈哈..但是应该是妈妈炒的比较好吃啦..
公司的食物不太适合我, 又很贵..
其实, 那里有很多人都是自己带食物去的 =)
今天终于和我部门的SENIOR ENGINEER见面了..样子很刁..妈的..一点都不友善..
好吧, 就这样..好累..

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wk2@Utah :即来之,则安之..

有些事情, 越躜牛角尖, 越想不通..
想不通, 就不开心; 不开心, 就没心情做工..
我以为我的社交很好, 但是来到这里, 才发现原来外来者要容入一个大家庭是很难的, 尤其是当别人把大门关上了. 我最不想发生的事, 最终还是发生了...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Finally see the sun rise while on the way to company & snow start melting..

Whole morning attended a boring safety course ..almost fall asleep.

Had lunch at canteen,'s chicken burger again..I have decided to bring my own food next time! I miss chicken rice..laksa..rojak..bak kut teh...etc..wu wuuuu...

Afternoon went into clean room and found that their system is so fanfastic! The operators can even sit down there to chit chat..because the whole line is fully automated!
I can foresee my life will getting easy after the start up period..haha..

After work, went to colleagues's place to cook dinner, total 7 of us. A great dinner gathering..haha! everyone of us cook a little the end we have 6 dishes...and cant finish it !

It's 11pm here..going to sleep soon...
tomorrow and friday will still on normal shift, work from 8am~5pm, will start my night shift
from next wed onwards.