Thursday, July 31, 2008

Utah : PaintBall

Went for paintball game 2 weeks ago with a group of colleagues..$20 for 300 bullets..quite a good deal..of coz we had a lot of fun there!
when you get shooted, the paintball will just burst and your shirt will be gone...but lucky it can be remove easily ;p
when you get hitted on the body or hand, i am sure you will scream like's really pain...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Utah : Life Without Network

Life without network is just sucks!!!
Network has been down since last week, you just cant imagine the life here without internet...the cons of being too dependent on internet...haiz...
Finally the network technician came to repaired the problem today, but who knows they just make it half way after helping to check the internet connection is working.
But wireless is still not up yet, so now i am connection to internet with the superv short network cable...damn poor !!!
They told me need to get the apartment officer to fix the router issue for us!! duh...

Let's post some recent photo that I have taken lately..

Mirror Lake

Park City Weekend Market

Digital Photo Frame & Printer (Prize from Photography Contest)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Utah : The Factory

Recently, company has successfully signed a contract with "The Factory"..
"The Factory" is a mini size indoor multi puspose hall equipped with 5 basketball courts, gym, squash...etc sports facilities..
All the employees can register for free..Hurray!!!
Before this, each registration cost about USD$20 per month...Now it's free!!
Tomorrow going to try out the basketball court with's quite a long time din play indoor sports already...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Utah : 家变..

不想发生的事, 终究发生了..而且比预期中来得快..
室友今天和老婆吵了一场, 情况很严重, 闹到要离婚, 抢孩子..
不是因为室友在外有别人, 只是为了去SHOPPING..很好笑吧..
话说今天从公司回来, 他就问她要不要去SHOPPING...她说不要..那就算了吧..
室友就开始玩PC..累了就想睡..就当他睡着时,她就吵着要去SHOPPING...很欠揙不是吗? 分明要找架吵..
然后她就开始把房里的东西乱丢, 电视也被推倒, 搞得房们都破了一个大洞..唉..

室友忍无可忍, 就告诉她要离婚..其实,这也不是第一次了..好的没的..她就会为一些小事和室友吵..

夫妻间, 不是应该互相体谅吗? 不是应该恩恩爱爱吗?? 有问题,就去解决吗?
不爱, 那就不要结婚嘛..离婚, 对双方都没有好处. 最惨的..不过是那个未满一岁半的小孩..


在这里, 看到了很多结婚后的悲剧..我不想这样而影响了我对婚姻的信心..
没有人喜欢吵架, 有时候一方让步, 并不是他认输或认错, 他只是不想把事情搞大..小事化无..

谢谢你一直一来的谅解 :)

Utah : Busy Week

2 of my bosses is on vacation ..2 and 3 weeks right i should be quite free...but who knows...i need to go back office for the 3 consecutive off days!! Mon~Weds need to attend lesson...and start working on Thurs!!

Everyone in office are curious which shift I am currently working..haiz..
look at next week schedule, lucky it's still quite free...else it's going to drive me rest at all..

next week probably go to make around of shopping at outlet, heard that those shop start displaying winter, very soon the whole shop will out of summer, better go to grab some shirts first..hahaha..

Aug is approaching...and the rumours is turning to truth soon about the extend of training...god more further extend pls~~

Friday, July 11, 2008

Utah : HanCock

Went to watch the movie with colleagues yesterday..quite a fun movie..
haha...Will Smith is cool and the girl Charlize Theron also very lady...haha..think in future, no more superman movie ...Hancock will become the new idol for all..after you watch the will know what i am trying to say...
it's guys have fun!! I still need to work tomorrow..
but tomorrow night going to Casino Resort with my boss and colleagues...they got gold free accommocation, can you imagine how frequent they go to the casino..?? it's a 2 hrs drive from my place...called Wendover..

Friday, July 4, 2008

Utah : 快乐时光

三个星期过得真快,一转眼就过去了. 今天早上看着你离去, 很舍不得..好想跟你一同回去..
虽然时间很短,但是我希望在这段时间,你过得很开心 :)
