Monday, August 31, 2009

Am I Shy ?

Just finished a test in Facebook, below is the rsult I got...haha...I think it's quite accurate..hee..


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Something Exciting and Looking forward

Finally my turn to join the group of married and being tied up!!

No matter how tiring, how frustrating in work, at least thre's something exciting and looking forward in the coming weeks! Wohuuuuuuuuu...!!

We didn't invite much people to join us for the joy. There're a lot of contraints as this is a grand solemnization event organized by Botanic Garden..

But we definitely wont miss you out if there's any customory and dinner going to be held in KL next year ! haa...


dou dai ji duo dai ji...hahaha...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


never never never ..really never face this kind of operators..

only know how to complaints...dont know how to contribute...

trying to protect them but end up said I useless, demanding, and pressure them...WTF!

well, they are paid to work and I just do my part..heard some rumours a gang of them trying to quit and looking for job aggresively now...WTF ! just go and dont complaint so much and make noise there! damn it !!

the line is not belong to me, all of you left wont cause any impact to me!! just go far far away from me!! WTF ..they think they are so damn good that deserve I pull them back or make me feel guilty?????! trying to threaten me?? WTF!! Fxxx off !!!

anything not happy with me...go to complaint to the boss...dont make noise there!! WTF!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


今天和友人到LIANG COURT 去用餐, 原本想吃TANPOPO的拉面, 可是却很长龙, 还要等上半句钟, 结果就到楼上的日式意大利餐馆去吃啦..人也蛮多的. 听说在日本, 可是有800多间分行呢! 在这里是他们的第一, 食物还不错.
但是, 我们其中一人却在他们的SEAFOOD SHOUDER 汤里看到了一只苍蝇, 哈..我马上就把WAITERESS找来,她也马上把汤拿进了厨房. 过了不久, 有个厨师走了出来道歉, 还告诉我们会把那个ORDER給取消. 我们以为他想这就算了, 可是过了不久, 他还拿了一碗雪糕甜品出来给我们吃, 那可是他们将九月才推出的, 哈..还不错啦..至少服务态度还可以..下次可以带你去 =)

还有很多人问我为什么你改了名字..哈..反正就改了嘛..也没什么不好..反而好事反而多了..所以也没解释太多咯..反正现在你就叫 PAIGE "珮琦"啦!! Hee..

Thursday, August 20, 2009


工作了五年, 这份工算是最吃力了.
叫OPERATOR 做工还要"请"他们..
还有, 最累累累...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Efficient Night Work

Oh ya..just back from office...
Actually knocked off at 445pm, went to IMM to collect bus ticket and had dinner.
Then went back to office again at 9pm..

No time to clear paper works during normal working hrs and accumulated tones of works to be done and going back to KL again this coming weekend.

So, no choice need to go back to clear some of it before it becomes a mountain..
Well, no regret to go back though, at least able to get a lot of works done.
and now i am still awake!! shit...

I think i am more suitable to work at night..may be can suggest to my boss to change me to night shift..haha..

Monday, August 10, 2009

李俊邑 (YI)

李俊邑 , 这是我的新名字.
想一想, 这也是我第三次改名了,这将是最后一次了.
现在的我, 将以"俊邑" 从新出发了!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


他妈的!! 佛都有火!!
我只有一双手!! 这个要, 那个也要!
每天看到一些人做工时都是嘻嘻哈哈的, 准时喝茶, 可怜的我却忙得连上厕所也是顺路时才顺便解决一下. 真是他妈的!!

If no body care, why do I ?????