Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cooking Day

Yea !! I'm cooking again today since back from Utah a month ago! Been stop cooking for at least 2 months I guess..haa...

Yesterday had delicious sticky rice as dinner at SY & YY's place, and out of sudden YY suggested me to cook today...haa...without futher hesitation, i nodded my head and said " OK! " least something to do to kill my time.

So, went to Yew Tee markey early in the morning, but who knows????? Only few stalls are doing business, no pork, no chicken on Monday's market!!!! At that moment, I just recall one of my friend told me that whole Singapore or even Malaysia wet market do not " Kill Pig" on Monday!!! So, i turned to try my luck at NTUC.. * Phiew...lucky still selling those frozen pork, else tonight no more "Ba Kut Teh" lor..

After that, meeting PY for breakfast at foodcourt and went back to SY' place and start cooking. Yea...and i just came back home to rest..going over again later.

Oh ya....received a call for 2nd interview at Tuas while walking to market just now..
HOpe that tonight " Ba Kut Teh" session is a pre-celebration for my job offer la!! Wahaha...and cant wait to go on Malaysia Island Tour with Piere, Didi and Miao...

KRANJI 马场看球记

刚和兴杰从KRANJI马场看完EPL曼城德比赛, 比赛结束Manchester United 以1-0 赢了Manchester City.
其实, 那看球赛的地方就是SINGAPORE POOL 建立的..让球迷一边看一边赌..除了赌, 其实地方还不错啦, 还有冷气哦..如果有兴趣, 下次可以一起去, 但是记得不可穿SLEEVELESS的衣服咯.
今天我和兴杰都不约而同地穿了SLEEVELESS, 幸好管理员破例让我们进去..哈...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ice Cream (Talk To Me)

Artist: DNR

You talk to me
You speak with me
Don't sink before you rise baby
Don't fade away

You hesitate
You seem to wait
For all the time we had
Feels like a world away

Who's to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile

Cause we're the same
And i know that we'll never change
Look i bought your favourite ice cream
I dont wanna see it melt away

If you walk out now
I don't know if we could be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause i want you to stay here with me

The memories
The things we did
I locked inside my heart
Where i know i won't forget

And now, who's to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile

Cause we're the same
And I know that we'll never change
look I bought your favorite ice cream
I don't want to see it melt away

If you walk out now
I don't know if we could be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause I want you to stay here with me

I want you to stay here with me


Fascinated by this song after watching "家好月圆"
Touching song with lots of feel ..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Today i received a call from a bank , offering me the platinum card.
Out of sudden, the girl asked me whether i am convenient to talk or i am working.
I told her i am jobless now..and you know what's her response?

" that nvmd la..Thank You!"...DUuuuuuuuuuHHhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Well, i learnt a new trick today.
Next time if there's any sales person call you up, just tell them you're jobless now if you're not interested..hahaha..

人, 都是现实的..唉...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Malaysia's AirAsia X unveils 99-pound fare to London

Malaysian budget carrier AirAsia X said it will fly to London from next March with fares starting at 99 pounds (150 dollars), and that the cost could halve if the service is popular.

When there's no budget airline, the main air line charge higher.
If the budget air line can still earn profit with such a low air fares, can you imagine how MAS or SIA make $$ last time?

Come to think of it, since getting more budget air lines and flight routes are available nowadays, how the big air line going to stay competitive in the future? hmmm...

Monday, November 24, 2008


一个人在拥有一切的时候, 从来不会感到害怕, 不会担心失去.

一个人在失去的时候, 才会懂得珍惜.

有人说, 与其浪费时间来害怕, 不如更实际地去行动.

我尝试不去害怕和积极面对,表面上看起来好象没事, 其实我真的很怕.

其实周围很多朋友或是同事, 常常在讲些很表面的话, 当时听起来还不错, 等到过了一阵子, 你再去想想他们所说的话, 你会觉得很可笑, 很自相矛盾的..

P/S: 我好想做工 :(

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yoga forbidden for Muslims in Malaysia: official

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22, 2008 (AFP) - Muslims in Malaysia should not practice yoga because it will erode their faith in Islam, a senior Islamic cleric said Saturday.

So, what do you think? haa....i persoanlly think they should banned pole dance, kick boxing..etc... as well..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Life Is Changing Good?

The Call has enlighten my day!!
The Call has make me feel my life is start changing good!!!

Finally received an interview call this morning at 11am after sending out about 30 applications!! Wahaha...Sooooo Happy...Although it's just an interview and i feel the chances is quite low after viewing through the jobscope..haaa..but happy least it's a good start at this tough period.

Wish me luck tomorrow !!

Monday, November 17, 2008

When I was Young

还记得你小时候的模样吗?? 我不太记得了, 那天回到家无意中发现一本相簿, 打开一看,哇!!!!都是我小时候的照片..哈哈..现在看起来还觉得满好笑的..

找工找得好累, 今天差不多寄出了大概十份吧, 还蛮不错的, 希望快点有好消息咯! 找工真得很累, 因为要填很多资料嘛..

从美国回来后, 今天终于把寒衣送去干洗, 没想到现在干洗也要十八块! 吓死人啊..

最近参加了一些朋友的结婚晚宴, 感觉有点奇怪, 怎么突然会觉得跟新郎新娘很陌生??? 而我又为什么回出现在晚宴上???? 很多时候当我以为自己跟某些人很熟, 可是到最后才发现彼此间的认识, 只有皮毛而已..
是我自己的问题? 还是那人的问题???

Thursday, November 13, 2008


今天看了新闻, 才知道连布满美国各州的Circuit City电器连锁店都将宣告破产..唉。。这次的经济风暴真的很严重。。有的经济学家预测经济复苏需要两年, 有的说五年。。不管如何, 只要能捱得过这次灾难, 应该就是一条好汉吧。。

经济好,买屋买车只需一块钱, 银行可以借钱给你。。再收你多多利息。。
经济差,没钱还,银行倒闭, 哈。。很搞笑。。不知道该说“抵死”还是可怜他们。。

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I think I am not suitable for early retirement...hahahaa..
Already feeling bored though I just came back from Stated 2 weeks ago!! duh..
Suddenly some planscame into my mind when I go back to sg next week, hopefully I can get it done this time...sometimes hate myself from for not keeping what I have said..haha..


Some of friends told me:
Dont hold a relationship for too long..
Dont marry because you just feel like getting marry..

Question to my mind:
Then when should a couple get marry? haa...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Turun Harga la~~

Been back to KL for few days, found that the newspapers are reporting the same topic everyday..let's talk about few of the main topics over here:

1. "Economic tidak bagus..turn la harga "
- lot of sms being sent to the minister to request for price dropping in meals, petro...etc...and today's news saying that if those petro station operator did not drop their price to what the government have set, RM100K will be fined. take note when you go for fueling your car..
- the "mamak" stall "Association" agreed to drop the price of roti canai and teh tarik by 10 cents..haha..btw, what's the current price of a cup of teh tarik in KL?

2. 新纪元风暴, 谁对谁错, 是是非非。。
- 都是华人, 就不能团结一点吗?? 唉。。

3. 曹格到底有没有被打??
- 看来娱乐界是没什么新闻了。。哈。。。

After reading a few days of news paper, found that actually Malaysia is having plenty of job opportunities as compare to Singapore, which make me reconsider my options if I not able to find a job still after 2

Sunday, November 9, 2008


昨晚和她及家人到中南区去吃鱼头, 还不错的, 但是很多人。。
吃到一半的时候, 突然有个军人头的中年人气冲冲地走过来。。一口福建脏话地“鸟”不停。。说什么等了这么久,为甚么他的食物还没来??!是不是他没钱给???!!

过了二十分钟, 那人就开始在座位闹了。。还摔杯子。。想必定是他的食物还没来吧。。然后又气冲冲的走到老板那里捣乱, 还拿了一张椅子丢向煮炒的地方。。嘴里还是不停地骂个不停。。

后来老板走过来说, 这位“老大"每次都是那样的。。没耐性。。最后来却想最快有得吃。。他们已经习惯了。。想必是今天赌球还是赌马输了吧。。

什么年代了??暴力, 大声说话就可以解决问题吗??中南区还有老大存在吗??大马还可以进步吗??

Thursday, November 6, 2008


早上起床,用过早餐后就上网..十一点, 收到PY的短讯就去用午餐了, 过后再到她家去上网,写RESUME..
突然电话响起, 以为是INTERVIEW CALL, 怎么知道原来是子健, 哈..忘记约了他到BUKIT GOMBAK 去打球..怎么知道到了球场,竟然没空场了,原来是学校假期!! 结果就和他到KOPITIAM去喝茶, 他说我没工做了, 就请我喝了一杯茶冰..哈哈..

等下将和友人到VIVO CITY 的无招牌去用晚餐, 哈..一群失业汉, 还要吃好料, 真是的..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


今天算是OFFICALLY被裁了, 早上到过公司, 办了所有的手续, 公司也给了一些纪念品, 是该走的时候了, 希望有机会再见吧 ~

回到家里, 开始整理, 无意间发现了一包东西, 打开一看, 里面原来都是这些年来,朋友们送的卡片和信件..
挑了几封来看, 才发现时间真的过得很快, 信上的字迹又些都快看不清了..

回想过去永远都是美好的, 不管发生的是开心与否..

Saturday, November 1, 2008


不知不觉,回来已经三天了, 还是无所事事.

今天又是七点起床, 然后去打羽球, 已经接近九个月没碰到球拍了, 哈..
在球场上, 熟悉的脸孔没几个, 来了好多新人, 哈..或许在他们眼里, 我才是一个新人吧!

打了两个半小时后, 就觉得好累..好累..
回家的路上买了一包NASI LEMAK...哈..随便买都觉得很好吃..
