Wednesday, February 25, 2009


结果昨天就到NTUC去买了一些材料, 煮了肉骨茶, 看起来还OK吧? 哈..
刚才放工回家, 把它给弄热, 就吃了,虽然过程有点麻烦, 可是对喜欢烹饪的我来说, 还好啦..

每天又要吃什么呢? 应该不会煮了, 因为家里没有什么材料, 有点不方便, 偶尔煮一餐还可以的 =)

Monday, February 23, 2009


上个周末参与了一场羽球比赛, 最终因为自己和Partner Eric有太多的失误而败了, 一胜二负, 哈..对我来说还不错啦, 旨在参与, 毕竟太久没有参加比赛了, 会紧张 ;P 还是技术遇到了瓶颈??

日子还是一样,看看屋子, 到朋友家聚聚, 工作...
开始有点觉得生活失去了一些东西, 却说不出少了什么 =(


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18-02-2008 ~ 18-02-2009

Today it's a memorial day in my life, this was the first day I joined in my previous company Utah a year ago. 2 more days, that will be the date when I stepped in United Stated for the very first time also..

Time flies ~~~

Look back at the 9 months training in Utah, it's always sweet =) though the ending is totally out of our expectation, but I hope everyone from Wave 14 is still doing good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

有一天当你在失去方向后再找到了出路往前走的时候, 突然你又发现另一条出路, 你会选择去探讨新的路, 还是继续往前走? 一切假设继续往前走一定会到达目的地..

我不知道自己是否比其他人幸运, 因为有得选择.
如果可以, 我选择不要, 因为我知道要做一个决定, 往往是痛苦的.
很多时候, 当你对一样事情绝望的时候, 又偏偏让你看到曙光, 而你却又不知道那一点光是否永恒.

这次, 路又该怎么走呢?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Searching for a Unit

Phiew..Yesterday went to view a few units at Choa Chu Kang and Yew Tee area...just realized that the process is quite tiring...but well, imagine that I am buying a house at my own for the very first time in my life and build the sweet home in my own for the very first...I think the process is worth it !!
Lucky that I have superv agent Piere to fetch us here and there and helping me to sort out the available units, really appreciated all the effort that he had put in !!

Actually found out a nice unit near to Yew Tee Mrt, but the asking price is too scary, totally out of our budget, $$ what to do..haha...

Tonight going to view another 2 units...Yea ~

Ok, if you are looking to buy or sell house, please ask the superv agent contact from me!! wahaha ;P

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Middle Man"

Sometimes during works, we not only need to learn how to follow procedures, think of improvement, but at the same time need to be a part time "middle man" or councellor..$$$ is not easy to earn nowadays =(

Today i became the "middle man" between process engineer and my technician.
Some misunderstanding and causing email flying here and there, I was so fed up on this and asked them to stop and pull them into a meeting for discussion instead. Luckily, both parties were happy with the end discussion result.

Simple thing, make it complicated and never think of how to solve the that how the people works nowadays???

Monday, February 9, 2009






经济不景气, TOTO又没中,又减薪, 可是民以食为天的定律, 还是没有改变! 哈..
上个星期五, 我们两个就到JURONG POINT的 KUSHINBO 去狠狠地吃了一餐日本BUFFET..还$$的时候差点哭了出来, 但是不管这么多了, 哈..食物都已经吃到肚里去啦!

厚厚的鱼生,多汁又多肉的北海道蟹,多样的SUSHI..每隔半小时还有免费的限量美食, 只限首二十位到柜台的顾客, 如果你有去, 记得跑快点, 哈哈..

Monday, February 2, 2009


今天年初八, 晚上将拜天公, 想想也好几年没拜了, 好怀念以前可以和哥哥及表弟妹们一起放鞭炮的时光.

今年新年捞生捞了五次, 明天和同事们又将去捞第六次, 捞浆多, 希望今年真的可以过得更好吧!

这个拜六有一千万的多多, 一定要去买! 没中六个号码, 中五个也不错啦! 哈哈哈..发啊!!!

我们家的小孩, 可爱吗??