Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Middle Man"

Sometimes during works, we not only need to learn how to follow procedures, think of improvement, but at the same time need to be a part time "middle man" or councellor..$$$ is not easy to earn nowadays =(

Today i became the "middle man" between process engineer and my technician.
Some misunderstanding and causing email flying here and there, I was so fed up on this and asked them to stop and pull them into a meeting for discussion instead. Luckily, both parties were happy with the end discussion result.

Simple thing, make it complicated and never think of how to solve the problem...is that how the people works nowadays???


  1. 有这个机会当和事佬,而不是自己陷入在迷惑中,应该感恩啊。

  2. haa..true..but when someone make the mistake and dont want to admit it..and you have to tolerate with them and cool them down instead of take the blame on them..once in a while still ok...but too frequent..i dont think i can take it..haha

  3. :)
    Everyone is different, so we just have to accept this fact, in order to make our life easier.
