Monday, March 2, 2009


Counting down on calender, another 13days to go then will get my confirmation letter from company, but did not feel any excitement at all..
The works is ruining me lately, getting bored and helpless..May be that's what I deserved now after enjoying so much in Utah last year =(

Job is bored, life is also getting boring..Cant find any thing in life to spice up myself..And now I am sick! Damn....Why the bad thing always like to come at one short???

Anyone, anything can spice up my life??? Please tell me !! =(


  1. Go for short trip nearby ... Just book flight ticket and go, cheap and yet not risky. Gan Gan Lai la

  2. Piere: will keep the money for Bali and Taiwan trip..haha...

    Qing: pole dancing? haha...u must be kidding..i think i can be the pole only ...

    Anyway, this coming sat going to help out Tong on blood donation work at Jurong least something different to do

  3. wow. i think be the pole is great too. i scare u'll nose bleed nia :P then can donate the nose blood to shaobin (tong is him rite?) hahaha

  4. A baby to spice up your life maybe? Look at SY, happy day everyday!
