Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ Gone

I think today the header of the news is all about "MJ" passed away..ops..hang's not Micheal Jordan, it's Micheal Jackson..

Just heard that he is going to have a worldwide concert soon, but who knows the death news is coming faster ..

As usual, like issss....soooo...unpredictable..
Enjoy our life, my friends ~

Finally it's weekend !! Going to watch Transfomer 2 tomorrow!

Monday, June 22, 2009

This is what blog for..?

Wondering since when, this space become a place where i use to throw all my anger..

I know it's no good to show anger infront of, this is the only way ..

recently lot of things happen, either on work or personal life...

hope things will getting well soon...and looking forward to a new chapter of life !

Friday, June 19, 2009

Early Morning

haha..I'm in office now while awaiting for the production to start. Ya's Saturday early morning 7am here..guess most of you guys still sleeping soundly at home!

The project that I'm handling is at the final stage now, shifting from R&D mode to production recently a bit locked up by all the works and rushing for many last min issues, and due to the tight schedule, need to trigger OT during weekend and that's why I am here to follow up on the on-going activities..

mm...some thought of mine recently.
Will you reply other's sms or email when you receive it from friends or colleagues?
For myself, I hate those people that receive but not intend to reply.
Then what do you expect people to guess what's in your mind, " ok or not, want or dont want, do or no go, can or cant" , just a simple reply which I dont think will take up a lot of time but yet I always facing this problem. So, next time dont ask me why I never "jio" you for drinks, meal or any others activities order to save the trouble and the sms, i think that's the only way..

Enjoy the weekend !!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yea! We have changed the decision to have ROM in Singapore now !!

Everything just turn out so coincidentally..haha..

Firstly on the night, she received a call from her mum saying that she dont mind if we can have the ROM in Singapore. Then after this, we saw this poster in U Magazine..and it's just nice the event going to held on the date we wanted to have initially...20-09-2009!! haha..

So, we just make up our mind and fill up the application form and sent it out 2 days later. Now still pending for the organizer to confirm our application. Will send out the invitation once we have receive the confirmation..

Anyone interested to have this together ? heee...

Monday, June 8, 2009


不喜欢干涉别人的做法, 但是可以给意见;

也不喜欢别人干涉我的做法, 但是我可以接受意见;

不问自改, 很"堵兰";


但是因为你是上司, 我只可以默默地"堵兰"..haiz..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

我以为我可以应付, 原来我不行.

我以为他们会明白, 原来是我一厢情愿.

我以为我喜欢管人, 原来遇到挫折我会想逃避.
