Thursday, August 28, 2008

Utah: 望

希望, 期望, 失望..

如果我知道给了希望, 会带来失望..那我宁愿选择给于无望..


当一切不在你掌握之中, 别望..我想还是最好的办法..

这突来的变数, 是我让你失望了..希望惊喜可以弥补一切..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Utah: Paintball Competition

Yeah! Just back from company paint ball competition...out team " PAINTER" formed by Tiong, Joseph, WeeHiang, CheeWee and me...and we managed to go into the's a close game but we end up with runner up...haa...only the the winnner will got prize..well..we had fun though..

1st game : FULL FLUSH--> Basically everyone just get a full loaded paintball and shoot..and see die first...haha...our team end up with 3rd place after the first game..suprisingly i just get one shoot throughout this game...hahaha...

2nd game : REVOLUATION--> Everyone just given 10 paintballs and stand face to face within a barriers...and this was how we fight..haa....each team take turn to shoot only 1 paintball...if you din get shoot, can continue to play, else considered out..i am lucky to the survival again!! haa...and our team manage to top this game...

Final -> Continue with Ful FLush again...and our team lost eventually..haa..

Will upload more photo when i get it from the committee members..
The person in blue in the photo is our refree..looks quite cool har ;)
Start working tomorrow, need to wake up at 430am again...sien...
oh ya..heading to Florida and Miami this weekend..but heard that Florida having big storm now...cham...hopefully the places we want to visit will not get destroyed..haiz..

Monday, August 25, 2008

Utah : Sense of Belonging

What's do you understand about sense of belonging?
When you're working in a company, do you feel the sense of belonging? What about at home?
You committed to work is it because you like the job? pay? or the surrounding peoples that make you feel like working in the company?
I believe every factors will play a part, but which is the most critical factors that make you have the sense of belonging?

seconds by seconds, hours by hours, days by days, months by months...and just realized that I have been here for 6 months, and base on initial end of assignment plan, i should have been in flight to return home this time around..
i used to be a simple minded person but the changes in company and life make me squeezed out my brain to think about a win-win situation, and this of cause included some sacrifies that i need to make in my life..

well..i know it's impossible to make all to what i wished, just hope that the decision will bring out the best of all..
suddenly recall William Hung "legency" :
"I have tried by best , and I have no regrest at all"..haaa...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Utah: 钓虾记..

今天大伙们到SCOFIELD STATE PARK 去钓虾..钓鱼每次都钓不到..放弃了..哈..
用了早餐, 就开始行动..刚开始蛮纳闷的..因为钓不到!!! 后来,看到几个小妹妹用麻绳吊个鸡腿就丢进湖里..我们还笑他们..虾这么小条..怎么可以吃鸡腿呢?? 死定啦!! 1分钟过后, 他们慢慢地把麻绳拉上来, 是满满的虾!!! 我们才恍然大悟, 这里的虾吃大肉,不吃小肉!!!! 我们竟然连小孩都不如!!! ENGINEER ??? 呸!! 哈...
真的咯!!! 用大鸡,虾马上就来..钓啊钓...到了下午四点..桶也满了..才甘心离开..

钓了虾,当然要在新鲜的时候吃咯..马上就到JEREMY 的家去煮..嘻..想不到还可以煮四种不同的味道..


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Utah : Fishing & Shooting

Went fishing with housemate and friend (wenxuan) at Utah Lake today..
The weather is still good in morning and so we didnt apply any sun block..who knows it's hot like sauna after 12pm!!! and we get sun burn badly..
Worst..we dint able to get any fish though we seeing many fishing jump here and there in the lake!!! duh!!!

But housemate and wenxuan were quite satisfied with today activities as they shot down 5 birds by using their pressure gun!!! haaa..i only can act the post...cant even get a water bottle, gave up shooting and focus on my fishing..but still end up with nothing but sun burn...haa...

tired and my body like burning now..time to slp...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Utah : 滑蛋荷

今天煮了滑蛋荷!! 叫了3位同事来吃..还好评语不错..哈..第一次啦..
吃饱了..就聊聊天..围绕的话题还是做工, 朋友之类的..感觉还不错..



Saturday, August 9, 2008

Utah : 我是神枪手!!

哇哈哈..我是神枪手!! HOUSEMATE 去VEGAS 玩了去..在家很无聊..就拿了他的枪来玩玩..

Friday, August 8, 2008

Utah : 人因梦想而伟大..


踏出第一步的人,已经成功了一半..什么时候我才会踏出那一步呢? 脚已经抬起好久, 却缺乏那一分勇气走出去..当看到别人成功的时候,却还在埋愿自己..哈..好好笑..

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Utah : Ipod Touch ..Yea !!

Yea..My belated birthday gift!!! Ipod Touch neh!! Hurray!!
It looks cool ..wahahaha...still exploring how to use it..
Wanted to buy a ipod for long time...finally you make it for me ;)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Utah : Handsome & Francis Birthday

*Party Group

*Drunk Birthday"Man"

Finally a party again at my place yesterday ! Yea!!!
My apartment has been peace for 2 months after arrival of handsome's family..No wine , loud music...etc...but yesterday we all had great fun again!
There were 26 of us, included the 2 little one..haha..
Happy Birthday Tiong & Francis!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Utah : 心理学..

最近一直再想一个问题..我该去念心理学吗? 很有兴趣..但是可能又是三分钟热度 :(
喜欢帮别人解决问题..看到别人的问题得到解决, 那种满足感, 真的很棒..这些都是在工作上, 我找不到的..

今天是HOUSEMATE生日, 她又无端端发他的脾气, 为的又是一些小事而无理取闹..受不了..
HOUSEMATE又来找我求救..想了想, 就告诉他一个方法..然后我就出去买东西了..不想看到一些无聊的争执..

可是再想, 如果她真的不改过, 我想没有人可以帮她了..一次又一次..你不烦..我都累啦..

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Utah : What're You doing Boy??

LOOK!!! What the boy trying to do???!!!
Oh man..pain pain..

tomorrow is housemate's birthday..he himself organize a bbq and invites colleagues to come over for celebration...hopefully will be a fun gathering..

Happy Birthday Handsome!!!