Monday, August 25, 2008

Utah : Sense of Belonging

What's do you understand about sense of belonging?
When you're working in a company, do you feel the sense of belonging? What about at home?
You committed to work is it because you like the job? pay? or the surrounding peoples that make you feel like working in the company?
I believe every factors will play a part, but which is the most critical factors that make you have the sense of belonging?

seconds by seconds, hours by hours, days by days, months by months...and just realized that I have been here for 6 months, and base on initial end of assignment plan, i should have been in flight to return home this time around..
i used to be a simple minded person but the changes in company and life make me squeezed out my brain to think about a win-win situation, and this of cause included some sacrifies that i need to make in my life..

well..i know it's impossible to make all to what i wished, just hope that the decision will bring out the best of all..
suddenly recall William Hung "legency" :
"I have tried by best , and I have no regrest at all"..haaa...


  1. 你是最棒的!你知道吗?!

  2. 做么浆像我朋友敷衍我那样

  3. 哈哈..随便啦..有人敷衍好过没人睬你..

  4. qing: 你朋友哪里有我这么有文化?我的那句是从无厘头祖师《少林足球》那里学来的!

    gee: 你是最棒的!你知道吗!

  5. haha...kns...enough enough...
