Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Utah: Paintball Competition

Yeah! Just back from company paint ball competition...out team " PAINTER" formed by Tiong, Joseph, WeeHiang, CheeWee and me...and we managed to go into the final..it's a close game but we end up with runner up...haa...only the the winnner will got prize..well..we had fun though..

1st game : FULL FLUSH--> Basically everyone just get a full loaded paintball and shoot..and see die first...haha...our team end up with 3rd place after the first game..suprisingly i just get one shoot throughout this game...hahaha...

2nd game : REVOLUATION--> Everyone just given 10 paintballs and stand face to face within a distance...no barriers...and this was how we fight..haa....each team take turn to shoot only 1 paintball...if you din get shoot, can continue to play, else considered out..i am lucky to the survival again!! haa...and our team manage to top this game...

Final -> Continue with Ful FLush again...and our team lost eventually..haa..

Will upload more photo when i get it from the committee members..
The person in blue in the photo is our refree..looks quite cool har ;)
Start working tomorrow, need to wake up at 430am again...sien...
oh ya..heading to Florida and Miami this weekend..but heard that Florida having big storm now...cham...hopefully the places we want to visit will not get destroyed..haiz..


  1. oooooo miami, florida, nice beaches there eh?! i wan to go too~~~ fly me there!!!

  2. haha..got chance will definitely bring u there again...yea..heard miami got nuke beach..heee..
