Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do You Always Want To Be A Winner?

Let's start with this conversation:

some issue in the operation today, a manufacturing engineer wanted to discuss the issue with the QA engineer..along the arguement:

story 1:
mfg: " i have sent out the email a few times to ask for checking"
qa: " what email??? everyone job responsibities is different, my job is not to check ur email lo!!"
mfg:" .....................then in future i dont sent email lo..." --> she is the "winner"

mfg:" i found some differences in the measurement method among qa auditor and mfg operator, can we get align on this?"
qa: " because my auditor hand is short ! so they cant use the method same as mfg ..."
mfg :" ......................nothing to say..."--> she is the "winner" again..

mfg: " if your auditor judgement is failed, but i myself verify it it's pass..can we discuss about this?"
qa" NO!! QA is always right, we are the king !!.."
mfg:".........................." (wtf...ya..she is the "winner" again)

end of story...can you imagine everyday i need to deal with this kind of people???
i wouls say my EQ is improving, but sometimes really cant take it..just dont want to arguement further and walk away...

i cant get well along with my boss, i cant deal with the supporting group...everything just make me think i am not suitable to's torturing!!!!
save me from hell !!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


搬了新家, 希望会带来一些好运.

可是最近工作上的烦恼却越来越多, 感觉没人能体会我, 我的角色往往就是两头不到岸.

给上司的感觉, 就是什么都做不好, 给下属的感觉是无能, 不能为他们争取, 令我觉得自己很失败.

以往我常常都以为自己有能力去处理很多事情, 现在却彻底地感觉到很失败.

我一直再坚持, 告诉自己我一定可以渡过难关, 但是一再的坚持, 却让我更觉得更失败.

好想问,你到底听到我吗? 可以给我援手吗?


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finally Moved In

Finally moved in the our new house after busy preparing for months.
Mum and sister purposely came down to help me for the move in..
Moving to a new house it's really tiring ..but all the efforts are well paid off after seeing the house is in a good shape..hee...with the new furnitures all moved in.
And realized that we need quite a lot of $$ to maintain a house, i already lost count how much I have spent over last weekend.

will organize a gathering at our new place soon =)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



他让我觉得他为了保护自己, 选择了不去信任一个朋友, 顿时让我觉得很伤心.

原来一直和你称兄道弟的朋友, 会因为一些小事而让你发现原来一直以来, 你都是个傻子.

我希望是我自己想太多, 因为如果继续带着不信任的心态去相处和做朋友, 我自己觉得是很虚伪.


有时侯我说的一些话, 其实并不含任何别的意思, 而她却往往会以为我说的话另有一番意思..
哎..做人为什么要钻牛角尖呢? 这不是为自己制造不必要的困扰吗?
所以很多时候很想更她吵起来, 但总是尝试控制自己, 不然应该很快暴血管.
解释太多, 反而让人觉得我是错的..

只是做份工, 这一切有必要吗??

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We're the new Owner!

01-10-2009 , another memorable day in our new journey of life! Finally we got our new house key today ! Hurray ! We were shocked when stepped in the house this evening, we think the owner did asked someone to clean up the whole unit after they have moved out yesterday..haha..Initially we thought they will left a lot of rubbish for us to clean up, but the fact tell us that we are wrong!

We found the owner also left a book shelf for us ! still in good condition, this will definitely help us to save some money..hee...

Then we met up the part time painter to discuss about the painting this coming weekend..after discussion, we dealed at $1.1k , included the materials and labor bit exp ..but i hope the $$ we paid wil be worth for it !

Looking forward to move in in 2 weeks time !! wahaha