Thursday, October 1, 2009

We're the new Owner!

01-10-2009 , another memorable day in our new journey of life! Finally we got our new house key today ! Hurray ! We were shocked when stepped in the house this evening, we think the owner did asked someone to clean up the whole unit after they have moved out yesterday..haha..Initially we thought they will left a lot of rubbish for us to clean up, but the fact tell us that we are wrong!

We found the owner also left a book shelf for us ! still in good condition, this will definitely help us to save some money..hee...

Then we met up the part time painter to discuss about the painting this coming weekend..after discussion, we dealed at $1.1k , included the materials and labor bit exp ..but i hope the $$ we paid wil be worth for it !

Looking forward to move in in 2 weeks time !! wahaha


  1. congratulations!!! really happy for you and paige : )

  2. Congratulations... I will go to visit you during the year end school holiday... ha ha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. sure ! just let me know when u r coming! i spare one room for guest ..

  5. i love the house, especially the hanging chair~
    laying on it for a cup of coffee or listening to music! shiok!!! bet everyday u both are just busy to decorate ur new sweet home^^
