Monday, March 1, 2010



今年的愚人节, 有可能会愚弄自己..哈..傻了..

Friday, February 19, 2010


兜兜转转, 看了这个又看那个, 终于决定了我们步入人生另一个阶段的日子!

九月二十八日 - 入门
九月二十六日 - 喜宴

入门日落在星期二, 但是也没办法了, 一年多来365天, 对我们就只有这一天属最佳日. 希望可以有兄弟姐妹们抽空出席吧.

我想说, 在这过程当中, 难免会有一些意见不合, 但是我希望我们可以好好讨论和商量.
毕竟我觉得结婚是件开心的事, 没有必要把事情闹僵.

时间虽然有点紧逼, 但是我有信心一切可以按时安排好, 就让我们来一起开开心心地筹备吧!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To Do List

Finally got the marriage cert converted to Malaysia's certificate, today taking half day leave to go embassy and get it collected...but damn ! the officer spoiled my identity card!! the back layer is peeling off..duh...not sure super glu will help or not..

Well, moving on to another to do list...the next one will be to do some survey on the wedding photo shooting packaging and got to decide the location for the wedding dinner ..
more things to come...

hope by end of this year, all this will be settled..ops...not's a must!! haha

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Life Update

1. Signed up tooth whitening package and going to do it's quite expensive though $SGD700..damn ..but can claim from company ..haha..better still..hopefully the effect ill turn out great...then this might help me to make up my mind to reduce the frequency of drinking coffee ;p

2. Had a great mahjong session yesterday with colleagues..home ground still bring me some luck..won 20bucks..haha..

3. My colleague's car was hitted on tuesday when we were on the way to office after lunch..
We requested the driver to pay RM300 for repair since he was driving malaysia registered car. But who knows he insist want to make a police report..So, me and coll decided to buy 4D for both car's plate#...since both are malaysia's car..and I called back home and asked my mum to buy for me...hahaha...and this morning, my colleague asked me whether did I buy the number because the number turn up yesterday ..haha..initially i thought he was fooling me...but just now when i called back to ask...mum told me that's real !! wahaha...even the just a small amount...but i think this break my record of winning a $20 in my life before this...haha...

4. Having offsite recruitment for operators and technician the whole day ...but the respond is not so well the end of the day, just realized the payment for the room rental is not being paid by HR..I got to pay by my own pocket to do...just pay lor..
just worry once the $$ is out, not sure it will back to my account again..

that's some of my life update these few days...for you that wondering what i can do during this few days =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Changing of Style

Recently my guys ar production floor keep asking me a question " are you ok? are you quitting? are you really ok??"

That's bring up a question to myself " am I really ok?" haha..
After I talked to them, then I realized that they found my style of working is changing and always smiling ..hahaha...they thought I worked till mad and lost control..

Some self-reflection on myself, found that I 'm really changing as compare to last time. At least will not easily get hot temper when thing screw up and able to control my emotion even I knew someone is trying to create trouble here and there..

I am changing but it doesnt means i am giving up. I still try to deliver what I suppose to but just in a better way..I hope thing will turn up well eventually.. doubt tender without a job flew through my mind once..but i knew that's not a mature way to handle thing..I want to prove my value and create my reputation at work..
Even my boss do not really appreciate my work sometimes, but I knew there're someone did that..that's enough for me =)

I hope I am changing into a right direction.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Home Sweet Dinner

Just back from OT not long ago, tired but feel happy because today got home cook dinner prepared by my dear ! hahaha...All the tireness well paid off...
I think i can retire from my kitchen very soon! hahaha...her cooking skill improved a lot ;)

But now i got to start working at home again...need to prepare presentation slides for tomorrow..
Uh..tonnes of work are waiting for me to do...helpppppp...
have been working at home over the last few days ...tired...

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year !!! my friends..

Well, yet another new year started. Welcome 2010!!

Went to Jack's place for a gathering yesterday for count down and welcome party for Feigei (she is back from HK for goods), met up a lot of friends: shaobin, TseKai, zihao, wan er, doreen & bf, feigei, kinnasai & gf, jia fu & wife, boon & gf, singchek, liqing & bf. Great catch up session !

The 1st gift for myself was bought today ! It's a bag with "unknown" brand called Fred Lenzo, it's a bit pricy and I thought it's a brand from europ, who knows the sales girl told me that's a local brand ! Haa...I was shocked...

So, tyhe main 3 items that I wanted to buy, 2 were done ! a jeans, a bag and a pair of shoes.
A Levis jeans was bought during my taiwan trip, so now a pair of shoes to go and that will end my year 2010 shopping list..haha...

WIsh everyone dream comes true !!
HUat Ah!! 2010 ..