Friday, March 28, 2008

Wk6 @ Utah : Weekend Big Plan

This week it's a long week, means got to work until sunday morning..2 more night to go. But...on Sunday morning, will go straight to Las Vegas !! Viva la yo yo ! !
Hopefully I can make it an enjoyable trip and not too tired ..haha..
Will come back on weds and start working on that I crazy?
I hope I am not !!

Hardly have chance to go out in group after all of us are allocate in diferent shift, so decided to go this time around, else I need to go myself alone in coming days..hee..

Finally had my 1st hair cut in Utah..oh's a miss processing..! Haa...
Before the cutting, I actually show the girl a photo said i wanted to have a similar style.
She said "It's cool..ok..No problem"
(sound damn confident..haha...)
When I put back my spec after 30mins..I was shocked..oh my god..just like army hair cut!! Never tell the people here you want to cut layer, because they totally no idea what's "layer"..they will just help you to slope , slope and slope..and at the end cut short all your hair !! hahaha..Think can last at least 2 months after this time ..


  1. u look like my primary school 訓導主任 neh...
    his name is 陳 Batman!!!

  2. haha..sad sad..i want my hair back!! hopefully after put on some gel will look better..gagaaa..

  3. haha, you look very different with your hair cut short.

  4. hahahah good good, the uglier the better! =P

    Never knew your head can be so round..always tot u look like fido dido with a triangular head haha

  5. woi..."bei ha min wor.."..haha..
    at least my colleagues said it's nice cut lor..hahe..because they have even wrose cut!!
