Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wk 9 @ Utah : 我看他..

最近HOUSEMATE压力很大,大得吃不好,睡不着..看着他, 很茫然..

我跟他分析他的问题, 让他知道其实他所面对的,并不是什么大不了的事,无须太担心.

过后,我自己想一想,如果是我, 我又是不是会跟他一样?

做人, 就是常常这么矛盾..

1 comment:

  1. it's true, outsider tend to look things at different perspective. so try to offer him advice, I guess this is the first time he work for sg company so may have cultural shock.

    U too, take things easy.
