Monday, December 15, 2008

1st Day of New Life

Today is my 1st day of working after few months, feeling strange when I received the new compnay badge...haa..It's just a few months back i got a badge and now i got another badge again..
Canteen food is cheap...1 meat and 2 vege for $2..haha..
Majority of colleagues are ladies..heard all are friendly, but yet to have chance to talk to them..While sitting in front of my pc and looking around, suddenly I miss all my ex-coll, a groups of buddies that make my life in Utah memorable...and i asked myself why are we splitted? and why am i sitting here alone ??
Take times to adapt to new environment and build up the network the age gap different over there, i can imagine how much fun could i have for the coming times...haiz...


  1. you are older or they?
    Good ma, all started over again!


  2. Well, this is the beginning of new life. Give yourself time for adjustment.

  3. ya...agreed...hopefully can get over this soon...3rd day already...still had lunch a my own..haa...poor thing...

  4. Poor thing? At least you got a job! There are many out there waiting to be hired.
    Smile more often :) that will bring people to you.

  5. yea =)
    btw, silver: may i know who are you?
