Tuesday, December 23, 2008


1st christmas celebration with the new company today, had buffet lunch in one of the meeting room.
Well, this is just my 2nd week in the company, still a loner in the company, not knowing a lof of peoples yet.
Tomorrow is x-mas eve!! and today my boss came to my desk and told me tomorrow there will be "unofficial" half day leave!!! wahahah...but nothing much to do also after leaving company ..may be go town to hang around myself..my girl has just went back to KL for 2 weeks...so, do call me out this 2 weeks if you have any outing ya!

Talking a bout my new job, well..still cant get out from manufacturing line, still working in a factory..just a different industry...working on medical devices right now...managing few technicians and a group of 40 female operators~~haha...first time the team consist of 30% male and 70% female, now it's 100% female!!! not sure if i able to handle them or not...very challenging..

Lastly, wish All my friends MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


  1. hmm...medical devices? BD medical? Baxter?
    I'm just somebody who has gone thru e road that you have gone thru. Sharing quite the same fate, of losing a job and getting new one. Wanted to send some word of encouragement when read about your uncertainty but didn't do it as I didn't sign in for profile. But yours hunting was fast i should say.
    anyway, congrats for winning the beauty heart!

  2. :D
    Thanks alot~
    Well, which company am i working now does not important, as long as got a job for continous incoming at this tough time. Fast hunting? haa...i just did not give up and keep trying plus the luck with me :)

    Congrats to you too! Hope you will enjoy your new job. Sound like we went through the tough time together , let's move on together ! Cheers!

  3. Yes, think you are lucky one.

    With the current economic situation, no one tells if we will be jobless again. Isn't it?

    well, it is always a cycle.

    So when we get to experience the toughness, let's be an encourager to those facing the situation. Just my thought

  4. yup..agreed..life is always unpredictable.
    as you said, be a encounrager to the people surrounding us and stay happy as we moving on.

