Wednesday, January 14, 2009


最近收到朋友的一则短讯, 说到与其要别人去迎合自己, 倒不如让自己去附和别人.

想了很久, 还是想不通...

在朋友和朋友之间, 我觉得没问题. 但是在工作上可行吗?

尤其是在新的环境里, 如果没有建立自己的风格, 还要去符合别人的处事方式, 可行吗?

认识了一个新同事, 他的想法很异常, 但是往往让我有恍然大悟的一刻.

他给了我很多工作上的意见, 我觉得很有道理, 但是每个人性格和想法都不一样, 很多时候找不到平衡点.

如果我没办法去改变一件事情, 以前的我会选择放弃, 现在的我会选择继续尝试, 但是我不知道我的底线在哪里..到最后结果会是怎样...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My New Gadget-Wahaha!!

Finally get my handphone changed!! heee..slim and cool ??
In fact my W810i still in good condition, but still cant resist to change a new handset as my plan has already expired...
Called up Singtel to get $50, at the end just need to pay for $288 to get a PDA phone ~ Nokia E71
First time in my life to use PDA phone..the phone built with a lot of function and looks very pro..but I doubt I am gonna use up all the applications..haha..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catch Up Session

Yesterday had a great catch up session with our buddies at town.(WaiYew, Kok, ShaoBin,YuYing,SingJie, of coz me and Pat as well..hee)

We had 北海道拉面 at somewhere near Raffles Places then headed to "TheMindGame" for drinks and games at Boat Quay. It has been quite sometime back when I came here...haa...I think almost 1 yr ago! Walked through those pubs and found most of the peoples there are "Ang Mo" ..Recession ??? and only Ang Mo still affortable for such life style?? or the night life expenses in SG is cheaper than their countries?

Haha...the video below will tell how much fun we had there, though I fall a slp dring the fun time, but still able to record down this funny moment...haha..
btw, i dunno what's name of the game they were playing, i just heard "一张一张,两张两张..四张四张.." like "Le-Long-Ling" in the market ;P

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

令人讨厌的人 !!

Today attended a meeting with process and R&D team..Just feel like whacking a person so much after he start talking!!

Really can not take it ! Heard about his name for many times since I joined in, but today is the first time we sat in the same meeting room. Though I am just consider a audience in the meeting, but the way he talk really make me feel like #$%^^&@ him..sigh...

I would say he is very smart and capable (People who doing R&D normally is quite smart right? hahah..) but once he start talking, you can feel how "YAYA" this person is and everyone seem like transparent to him..

Hahaha...i never meet such person so long time, let me recall a Senior Manager in my ex ex company...

Just now I was thinking how am I going to deal with such person in the future..Hmm...

Friday, January 2, 2009


Attended a gathering cum farewell session at Red Star Dim Sum this morning, glad to see the old faces and buddies!

Feel so great to catch up with everyone during the gathering, make me feel like we still remain as ONE TEAM after went through the tough time. After this gathering, few are going back to Utah for job, few are heading to Denmark, Sweeden, Norway..etc to start their new job training, some are busy preparing for wedding and start up own busines, the chances to get together will definitely become lesser and lesser.
That's the reason I tried my best to attend every gathering that we have right now.

GOOD LUCK my friends!! Cheers !

**Cheers for ONE TEAM members!!!**


Hmm..Think I said something wrong today to my lead.
From the very beginning of work, I found the lead is quite capable but just a bit fresh. So, I intend to develop her as fast as I can and today I talked to her and asked her to change the way she talk.
Mmm....i think i used the wrong method by comparing her with another lead which make her emotion changed in one second, though she did not say anything but I can feel she is not very happy with what I said.

I keep thinking of what I have said to her just now and I found I was wrong.
Haiz...I should use a better way to communicate with her.
Nobody like to be compared with others and being told on their weakness, so do I.
and why i still using that method on them???

I learnt the first lesson in my new job today.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I believe majority of the people will really work hard on the thing that they have determined to do it. Then what about me?
Been teeling myself that I need to keep my promise on something but after sometimes I still did not move on, what happen to me??
Only if someone keep an eye on me or threaten me then only I can move on from there?
Hmmmm...Sometimes that's the case.
So, if the people got so much influence on you, will you consider the person as a very important person in your life?

Today is the 1st day of 2009, and my new year wish is to keep on promise that I have made to myself!