Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catch Up Session

Yesterday had a great catch up session with our buddies at town.(WaiYew, Kok, ShaoBin,YuYing,SingJie, of coz me and Pat as well..hee)

We had 北海道拉面 at somewhere near Raffles Places then headed to "TheMindGame" for drinks and games at Boat Quay. It has been quite sometime back when I came here...haa...I think almost 1 yr ago! Walked through those pubs and found most of the peoples there are "Ang Mo" ..Recession ??? and only Ang Mo still affortable for such life style?? or the night life expenses in SG is cheaper than their countries?

Haha...the video below will tell how much fun we had there, though I fall a slp dring the fun time, but still able to record down this funny moment...haha..
btw, i dunno what's name of the game they were playing, i just heard "一张一张,两张两张..四张四张.." like "Le-Long-Ling" in the market ;P


  1. i think i played this game before at mind cafe @ Bugis.

  2. ahhaha that night was damn chaotic! but that's where the fun is, no? ;)
