Friday, January 2, 2009


Hmm..Think I said something wrong today to my lead.
From the very beginning of work, I found the lead is quite capable but just a bit fresh. So, I intend to develop her as fast as I can and today I talked to her and asked her to change the way she talk.
Mmm....i think i used the wrong method by comparing her with another lead which make her emotion changed in one second, though she did not say anything but I can feel she is not very happy with what I said.

I keep thinking of what I have said to her just now and I found I was wrong.
Haiz...I should use a better way to communicate with her.
Nobody like to be compared with others and being told on their weakness, so do I.
and why i still using that method on them???

I learnt the first lesson in my new job today.


  1. what about apologize to her to mend the broken heart?

    We all learn day by day.... :o)

  2. I suggest to change the communication method to her and ease the pain for her. That's at least to make her feel you are not prejudice to her, while you can do better coaching in the future

  3. add oil, slow slow learn~ u can one~!!

  4. G33,

    As a leader, you need to be empathy, stand in their position to understand your staffs’ emotional aspect. Well, this takes time to learn. So give yourself sometime for improvement. It is good if you want to take up some counseling short course, and will be best if your company is willing to pay for it.

    It helps.

  5. Thanks all for the encouragements and advices.
    I called her and talked to her yesterday and wrapped up the whole story nicely :)
    Agreed..people learnt and grow ~
