Thursday, January 1, 2009


I believe majority of the people will really work hard on the thing that they have determined to do it. Then what about me?
Been teeling myself that I need to keep my promise on something but after sometimes I still did not move on, what happen to me??
Only if someone keep an eye on me or threaten me then only I can move on from there?
Hmmmm...Sometimes that's the case.
So, if the people got so much influence on you, will you consider the person as a very important person in your life?

Today is the 1st day of 2009, and my new year wish is to keep on promise that I have made to myself!


  1. Too late if we were to ask why we didnt do that.
    When your calendar turns to the 1st page of 09, its time not to ask WHY, but WHAT to be determined for this year.
    Get ready with more courages to move forward!
    Add oil!

  2. It is what that is in your mind. You have to keep telling yourself that YOU CAN DO IT. Cos the battle is already half lost, if that is not in YOU.

    I take opportunity also to share the following with you and wish you a good year ahead. One with Love and Joy.

    "A friend shared this past week of an experience she had when she stopped for a coffee on the way to work that morning. The waitress was asking the polite question of each customer: "How are you this morning?" Most answered with the perfunctory, "Not bad, lah" or "I'm okay"

    When the next customer in line responded by saying "I'm Happy!" everyone turned and looked. He repeated himself in case someone had missed it "I'm Happy!" Our friend said that the faces of those around her, including her own, slowly grew smiles as his words sank into their morning reverie.

    2009 will be full of opportunities for us to choose to be happy or not.
    Happiness should not be based on circumstances or personality. Happiness is a choice!
    And happiness is catching, so let's take every opportunity to share happiness with those around us, even when the reality that we face might tend to impact us in a not so happy way!"
