Friday, October 31, 2008

Are you follow your guts or logic thinking?

There's a book called " THINK BIG" , bought it in US before back to sg..

There's a sentence saying: " If you want to success in big, do thing by following your guts but not logical thinking "...

Hm..what do you think? partially agreed with that..
follow the guts might cause you lost a lot a lot~
A mixture of guts and logic wil drive you towards the later at the end most of the time..So, in order to success, guts or logic?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SG: Jobless & Aimless Day

Finally landed in sg after months, feeling a bit unused to everything back here, haa...i believe it take sometimes to get back to my old life style..

Well..jobless life = aimless least it's apply on me..
This morning woke up at 7am, then sent her to MRT and grab both "MyPaper" and "Today" from the booth..bought breakfast from foodcourt, then went to NTUC to buy a pack of 3 in 1 coffee and a copy of " The Straights Times" ..haa...

Come back home had my breakfast andstart reading the newspaper till now..
Sound like an old man life right? haa...
Yesterday met up with Piere, Bobby, ShaoBin, CCY, Chia Yoong for dinner at FarMark, a nice warm dinner after so many months..everyone seem doing great in their work and personal life..glad to see that...

I told myself I need to regain my drive and find a job asap..!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Utah: THE END after 8 months and 7 days

The day has finally come after so many days in Utah.
Tonight is the last night in Utah, perhaps it will be the last time I will been in Utah again in my life time.

This 8 months is definitely a great experience in my life ever !!
Until now i still do not have any regret at all..though i am now returning without a job now..

For sure i will miss everything here, overall still been here for such a long period..I hope i wont get " homesick" when back to sg..

Complicated feeling, got to say good bye to the friends here and at the same time telling my friends in sg/kl that i am back..

Whatever bad memory in Utah, stay in Utah.
Whatever sweet memory in Utah, back to sg!!

Have a good one for those still staying in Utah and for those in sg, it's party time!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Utah: Last Night at Allegro Apartment Blk 11, Unit 1111

Aprt 1111, 292 Galena Park Blvd, Draper, 84020 Utah.
Tel: 801-501-8202

我在美国八个多月的住址, 一个曾经充满PARTY的地方.

刚从纽约回来, 在机场里的关口看到HOUSEMATE和家人正要入关, 可是距离太远了, 叫不到他, 连一句再见都没机会说, 只能远远看着他们, 心里感觉很难受..

回到家里,发现他已经把所有的垃圾都清理干净了, 只留下空空的大厅和他为我煮的晚餐..很感动..

朋友, 再见了!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Utah: I'm going home..

Tonight will be the last night of our trip in New York..heading back to Utah tomorrow afternoon...Got lot of thing to settle when i go back there..
Need to pack and move out on 23th and return car on the same day as well...After 23the i will become a person with nothing but 2 big luggages..Then still need to go back office to settle some admin stuff..
Probably will stay at my friend's apartment and sleep on the sofa for the following few days...

Still a lot of thing to be settled when go back to sg and, relationship, family..etc..probably this is what people so called " LIFE "..

But big concern for me now is to make clear which field i want to go that i can concentrate on the job searching..Company did send out a lot of job opporunities but al still semiconductor...I dont know whether I should apply for it ...or keep my determination quit and involve in Customer Service ..

No body can help but myself...i know...i know...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Utah: 1220am in New York City

2 couples are sleeping soundly in he hotel bed..but i am still awake and writing this blog...ya...5 peoples and i am alone...but it's ok..i have my own fun though..haa..

Staying in Best Western Hotel tonight, it's located at the central of China Town..The China Town in NY is the 2nd largest chinese popularity in United Stated.
The largest one is in San Francisco.

Come to think about the trips that I had made in State:
Utah, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orlando, Miami, New York, Toronto, Washington DC, MarryLand, Philadelphia and Boston.

With all the trips and my friends I had made here, I tell myself again no regret on the decision to join the company.

I just want to know what I've gained and forget the losses here..
Overall none of us is the loser but the company which invested millions of dollars and now seeing everything is being dumped into the "salty water sea"

Good Night my friends~ Good Night New York City~

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Utah : Weird Dream..

Yesterday didnt sleep well in the hotel, keep doing a weird dream, I would say it's a bit scary..

What happen in the dream was that I keep dreaming that I was dreaming ( you get what i am trying to say?) ...Then in the dream i found myself keep awake from dream and looks around in the room and saw my friends are sleeping around me...but when i was trying to wake them up, I found that they couldnt hear i was talking to myself or we are in different world and they couldnt see me anymore...sigh...that's really a weird dream that i had made so far...hopefully that's not a bad sigh..

Heading to Washington tomorrow and back to New York at night. Then will depart to Boston the next day..3 more days, will back to Utah and get ready to go back Sg..see you guys..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Utah: Last Trip in State ~ New York

Making a last trip in State with friends, in New York now...heading to Boston and Washington soon...

By right should enjoy the last trip, but some of them seem like cant get over of the sad news of retrenchment..

The expense and living cost in NY is really scary!!! 1st day took cab from air port to hotel already cost us USD$150!! damn it...then from hotel to Manhattan, a distance of a few miles also cost 50bucks!! crazy!!!

Whatever it is, now i steping on the street in New York..haa..a place where i never think of coming in my life...I should enjoy the trip :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Utah : 你把我灌醉..


在这里, 我也不记得醉了多少次, 但每一次都是美好的回忆.如果可以不用清醒, 我宁愿继续醉下去..

Friday, October 10, 2008

Utah: Reflection

Accepted the fact of being sent back..Life still moves on, and it's time for self reflection on what i had done over the last few months.

Some of my managers feedback that they have high expectation on me when they employed me, but base on the last few months performance, they think i am still not giving my best and they do not know what's the reason.

Partly because now working under parent company and a lot of decisions can not be made, sort of sense of belonging, cant go all the way out. Also, the drive is not there as compare to working in previous company.'s time to buck up once back to sg..

Some of them saying that i always do not stand firm on my principal. Always swing here and there, easily get affected by others. I admitted.

Need to learn how to stand in for own principal and do thing follow my heart and do not get influence by others.

Thanks them for all this valuable feedback, i believe that people fall and move on will succeed..i wish i will be the one..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Utah : Counting Down..

十月二十七日, 将会是我一生中难忘的日子, 因为这是我离开这个充满回忆的地方的一天..
带着满满的的希望而来, 却带着满满的的失望而归.
梦想和一群年轻又有冲劲的朋友一起打拼的日子, 破碎了..
眼看即将和大伙们各分东西的当儿, 心情很不是滋味.

回想起当初刚来的时候, 一转眼却要离开了...很不甘心~~
输了一切, 赢得了友谊, 我将会很珍惜这一群朋友..
CheeWee, Ians, Michelle, Handsome, Emily, Yordia, TingFang, KokHong, Jason, Francis, Andy, WenXuan, Jeremy, Daniel, Kenny, Lenny, Winston, Dave, HuZhong, HouFeng, HuangHe, KhaiLiang, Mark Lee, Mak Lai Ho, Jeff, Eric, WeeHiang, WeeSiang, TaiNam, RuShun, JiaWang, ChaoHong...etc...

一切将从新开始, 但我没有后悔, 只是很不甘心, 真的很不甘心..

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Utah : Life Is Like A Boat

Life Is Like A Boat
演唱: Rie fu

Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you thru another day
遠くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい
暗闇に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ
祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ
鮮やかに 光る海 その果てまで
(Being far, however you could think in the like darkness which had become transparent does breath just you are blindfolded praying, lowering, to the end of the sea which shines vividly it waits for new day )
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる
つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を連れてく
(In addition as for the being attached where it moves and keeps and stops wanting to sneak away the heart of the person accompanying the boat at new period)

Since i was born in 1981, i never feel that life is like a boat before, until it hitted me hardly this time..i felt it deeply..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Utah: Call It A Day

Went fishing this morning with Chris, a colleague that just knew him lately..
Well, again .i caught nothing..but Chris able to got 3!!
The sceneric is nice at the reservoir with winter coming..all the leaf start turning yellow and red..

Took a nap and woke up to cook Chicken rice..haaa...the taste is better than last time and served 7 peoples!!
Then continue mahjong session a CHeeWee's place...

Tomorrow got another company meeting...another annoucement...guess another bad news to be announcement..will see how ..haiz..