Tuesday, December 30, 2008


As per Bobby request ...haha...career wise sounds good!!

肖狗运程 (1934年、1958年、1970年、 1982年、1994年、2006年)


财 运




感 情




事 业














2009 肖鸡运程

肖鸡运程 1945、1957、1969、1981 、1993 、2005
  运 势


  财 运 今年财源广进,求官有职。事事顺达,宜积极发展,必有斩获。



  感 情 至于肖鸡女性今年感情运不佳,难以缔结良缘,未婚者也难有一见钟情的机会!至于肖鸡男性今年桃花也不利,但能展现自已多才多艺的良好形象,有机会结识到理想对象!



  事 业



















2009 Taurus ~
















p/s: 2009 会很忙, 会用很多$$???感觉上还蛮准的 :D
新一年, 新希望!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008


Most of the time, my first impression to a stranger do play a important factor for me to judge on a person's characters. I know this is not right to judge a person base on the outlook, the way they talk or work, especially when we do not know much about that person. But base on my experiences, manytimes it proved my judgement is right.

This time around i do hope my judgement is wrong, as I will need to work very closely with this person in the future. I dont think I can stand the way this person work and talk :P
I used to be very high temper in my first job especially when dealing with that kind of person. Again, I know thing can always be done in a better way other than fighting and screaming at each other, but sometimes it's just out of control.

I think I need to learn how to handle this kind of people with a better way in order for me to survive ..haaa...百忍成金??

Thursday, December 25, 2008

How I Killed My X-Mas Day

Woke up in the early morning and had nasi lemak breaskfast at the opposite foodcourt.
Then went to Bugis with piere and didi for praying.
After that met up Sing Jie and Miao at PLaza Singapore for shopping.

Wow~~we got a suprise news when Miao told us that his gf had accepted his proposal at x-mas eve !! Congratulation Man!! Finally you did it!!

Along the way, we met ZiRong and his gf ...haha...found ZiRong is getting more handsome nowadays ;P

After Plaza Singapore, went to QueensTown..Both Miao and Piere bought a pair of soccer shoes..they are gearing up for our soccer game which going to kick off soon...haa..Suprisingly, I did not buy anything...still dont have shopping mood since back US .. just do some window shopping nowadays..

At night, played badminton at CCK Sports Hall...quite no. of good players turned up today, included CheeKien..but think I had sprained my toe somehow..think got to stop playing for a week or two for recovery...now even walk also feeling painful :(

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


X-Mas Eve day it's a raining day ~
Back from dinner with ex colleagues at Sembawang.
Seeing a lot of peoples dress up nicely and carrying a gift to x-mas party, while i am walking back alone :(
Come to think about it, seem like i never go to any x-mas party in the pub or disco in my last 27 years...haa...guess it must very happending and fun out there..
May be most of my surrounding friends are very homely or i do not have much friends??? haa...
Initally think of going alone tonight, but seem like a bit stupid..haiz...better stay at home :(
Next time if anyone of you going to such party, remember to call me!! heee..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


1st christmas celebration with the new company today, had buffet lunch in one of the meeting room.
Well, this is just my 2nd week in the company, still a loner in the company, not knowing a lof of peoples yet.
Tomorrow is x-mas eve!! and today my boss came to my desk and told me tomorrow there will be "unofficial" half day leave!!! wahahah...but nothing much to do also after leaving company ..may be go town to hang around myself..my girl has just went back to KL for 2 weeks...so, do call me out this 2 weeks if you have any outing ya!

Talking a bout my new job, well..still cant get out from manufacturing line, still working in a factory..just a different industry...working on medical devices right now...managing few technicians and a group of 40 female operators~~haha...first time the team consist of 30% male and 70% female, now it's 100% female!!! not sure if i able to handle them or not...very challenging..

Lastly, wish All my friends MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

阿妈! 我得咗啦!!

哇哈哈!! 惊喜成功!! <20-12-2008> Another Memorable Day In My Life
阿妈! 我得咗啦!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

1st Day of New Life

Today is my 1st day of working after few months, feeling strange when I received the new compnay badge...haa..It's just a few months back i got a badge and now i got another badge again..
Canteen food is cheap...1 meat and 2 vege for $2..haha..
Majority of colleagues are ladies..heard all are friendly, but yet to have chance to talk to them..While sitting in front of my pc and looking around, suddenly I miss all my ex-coll, a groups of buddies that make my life in Utah memorable...and i asked myself why are we splitted? and why am i sitting here alone ??
Take times to adapt to new environment and build up the network again..plus the age gap different over there, i can imagine how much fun could i have for the coming times...haiz...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Malaysia BOLEH!!!

Finally we came back from our "Adventurous" tour at Pennisular Malaysia yesterday late night!! Hurray!!! * MISSION COMPLETED *

We started our journey through Segamat to Kuantan. During the whole journey, we keep worrying about the weather and flood at east penisular. However we are considered extremely LUCKY everytime we planned for our next destination as the weather forecast suddenly turned good, no rain no flood! Wahaha..so, along the way we continued our trip by following the original plan.
We almost end up at Ipoh and Penang instead of Kelantan and Terengganu which I think wont be going anymore within the next 10 years or the rest of my life. Hahaha!!

So, where have we been over the last one week???

1. Tasik Chini (珍泥湖)(Pahang)
2. Kuantan & 林明山 (Pahang)
3. Gunung Senyum (Pahang)
4. Frasers' Hill (Pahang)
5. Cameron Highland (Pahang)
6. Gua Musang ( Kelantan )
7. Kota Bahru (Kelantan)
8. Tasik Kenyir ( Terengganu )

< Pahang - Cameron Highland >

< Pahang - Fraser's Hill >

< Kuantan - 林明山 >

< Kuantan - Chempedak Bay >

< Tasik Chini >

Sunday, December 7, 2008

大马环岛游! GO GO GO!!

明早6AM就出发了! 虽然登嘉楼和吉兰丹州现在好像是水灾, 可是经过一番的讨论, 大伙还是决定按原定的计划出发! 一切平安咯!!

Plan from 8th ~ 14th Dec
SG -> JB -> Kuantan -> Kuala Terengganu -> Tasik Kenyir -> Kota Bahru -> Cameron Higland -> KL -> Melacca -> SG

Friday, December 5, 2008

New Beginning

Finally signed the employment letter this morning and went for the medical check as well ! Now can really relax and enjoy my next week Malaysia tour ! Wahaha...

Called CheeWee up after my medical check and he brought me to queens town to have chicken rice, of coz never missed out the Avacado juice also! haha..

Then went to QueensTown shopping center, end up CheeWee bought a pair of soccer boot and I bought a pair of badminton shoes.. * Dont scold me..the old one broke ;P Been joining a few group of badminton team lately, played twice a week..so the shoes get broke more easily..hee...

New Job ! New Shoes !! and New Life???

* Old Broke

* In fact still looks like new one right?

* New..Looks quite the same as old pair hor

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Big U Turn?

Today is my day!!! haha....Why??? Because i got a call from recruitment agent and she told me that teh company at Tuas is working on my offer and they should call me up soon!!! Wahaha...I should not be so excited until i got call from the HR and sign on the employment letter!! but who cares....at least the call had made my day!!
Hopefuly that's not a false call la...

Well, looking forward to a new start..come on baby come on !!! wahaha...

p/s: Yesterday Man U big thrashed Blackburn with 5-3 in Carling cup!Carlos Tevez scored double strikes, 4 goals!! Awesome!!! Man U is back o track and will I be back too??? heee...

Update: WoAHAhahaha!!! FINALLY I received the call from the HR!! and going to sign the contract tomorrow!!! Thanks god !! 咸鱼翻身, 再翻身!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cooking Day

Yea !! I'm cooking again today since back from Utah a month ago! Been stop cooking for at least 2 months I guess..haa...

Yesterday had delicious sticky rice as dinner at SY & YY's place, and out of sudden YY suggested me to cook today...haa...without futher hesitation, i nodded my head and said " OK! " hee...at least something to do to kill my time.

So, went to Yew Tee markey early in the morning, but who knows????? Only few stalls are doing business, no pork, no chicken on Monday's market!!!! At that moment, I just recall one of my friend told me that whole Singapore or even Malaysia wet market do not " Kill Pig" on Monday!!! So, i turned to try my luck at NTUC.. * Phiew...lucky still selling those frozen pork, else tonight no more "Ba Kut Teh" lor..

After that, meeting PY for breakfast at foodcourt and went back to SY' place and start cooking. Yea...and i just came back home to rest..going over again later.

Oh ya....received a call for 2nd interview at Tuas while walking to market just now..
HOpe that tonight " Ba Kut Teh" session is a pre-celebration for my job offer la!! Wahaha...and cant wait to go on Malaysia Island Tour with Piere, Didi and Miao...

KRANJI 马场看球记

刚和兴杰从KRANJI马场看完EPL曼城德比赛, 比赛结束Manchester United 以1-0 赢了Manchester City.
其实, 那看球赛的地方就是SINGAPORE POOL 建立的..让球迷一边看一边赌..除了赌, 其实地方还不错啦, 还有冷气哦..如果有兴趣, 下次可以一起去, 但是记得不可穿SLEEVELESS的衣服咯.
今天我和兴杰都不约而同地穿了SLEEVELESS, 幸好管理员破例让我们进去..哈...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ice Cream (Talk To Me)

Artist: DNR


You talk to me
You speak with me
Don't sink before you rise baby
Don't fade away

You hesitate
You seem to wait
For all the time we had
Feels like a world away

Who's to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile

Cause we're the same
And i know that we'll never change
Look i bought your favourite ice cream
I dont wanna see it melt away

If you walk out now
I don't know if we could be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause i want you to stay here with me

The memories
The things we did
I locked inside my heart
Where i know i won't forget

And now, who's to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile

Cause we're the same
And I know that we'll never change
look I bought your favorite ice cream
I don't want to see it melt away

If you walk out now
I don't know if we could be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause I want you to stay here with me

I want you to stay here with me


Fascinated by this song after watching "家好月圆"
Touching song with lots of feel ..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Today i received a call from a bank , offering me the platinum card.
Out of sudden, the girl asked me whether i am convenient to talk or i am working.
I told her i am jobless now..and you know what's her response?

"oh..like that nvmd la..Thank You!"...DUuuuuuuuuuHHhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Well, i learnt a new trick today.
Next time if there's any sales person call you up, just tell them you're jobless now if you're not interested..hahaha..

人, 都是现实的..唉...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Malaysia's AirAsia X unveils 99-pound fare to London

Malaysian budget carrier AirAsia X said it will fly to London from next March with fares starting at 99 pounds (150 dollars), and that the cost could halve if the service is popular.


When there's no budget airline, the main air line charge higher.
If the budget air line can still earn profit with such a low air fares, can you imagine how MAS or SIA make $$ last time?

Come to think of it, since getting more budget air lines and flight routes are available nowadays, how the big air line going to stay competitive in the future? hmmm...

Monday, November 24, 2008


一个人在拥有一切的时候, 从来不会感到害怕, 不会担心失去.

一个人在失去的时候, 才会懂得珍惜.

有人说, 与其浪费时间来害怕, 不如更实际地去行动.

我尝试不去害怕和积极面对,表面上看起来好象没事, 其实我真的很怕.

其实周围很多朋友或是同事, 常常在讲些很表面的话, 当时听起来还不错, 等到过了一阵子, 你再去想想他们所说的话, 你会觉得很可笑, 很自相矛盾的..

P/S: 我好想做工 :(

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yoga forbidden for Muslims in Malaysia: official

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22, 2008 (AFP) - Muslims in Malaysia should not practice yoga because it will erode their faith in Islam, a senior Islamic cleric said Saturday.


So, what do you think? haa....i persoanlly think they should banned pole dance, kick boxing..etc... as well..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Life Is Changing Good?

The Call has enlighten my day!!
The Call has make me feel my life is start changing good!!!

Finally received an interview call this morning at 11am after sending out about 30 applications!! Wahaha...Sooooo Happy...Although it's just an interview and i feel the chances is quite low after viewing through the jobscope..haaa..but happy enough..at least it's a good start at this tough period.

Wish me luck tomorrow !!

Monday, November 17, 2008

When I was Young

还记得你小时候的模样吗?? 我不太记得了, 那天回到家无意中发现一本相簿, 打开一看,哇!!!!都是我小时候的照片..哈哈..现在看起来还觉得满好笑的..

找工找得好累, 今天差不多寄出了大概十份吧, 还蛮不错的, 希望快点有好消息咯! 找工真得很累, 因为要填很多资料嘛..

从美国回来后, 今天终于把寒衣送去干洗, 没想到现在干洗也要十八块! 吓死人啊..

最近参加了一些朋友的结婚晚宴, 感觉有点奇怪, 怎么突然会觉得跟新郎新娘很陌生??? 而我又为什么回出现在晚宴上???? 很多时候当我以为自己跟某些人很熟, 可是到最后才发现彼此间的认识, 只有皮毛而已..
是我自己的问题? 还是那人的问题???

Thursday, November 13, 2008


今天看了新闻, 才知道连布满美国各州的Circuit City电器连锁店都将宣告破产..唉。。这次的经济风暴真的很严重。。有的经济学家预测经济复苏需要两年, 有的说五年。。不管如何, 只要能捱得过这次灾难, 应该就是一条好汉吧。。

经济好,买屋买车只需一块钱, 银行可以借钱给你。。再收你多多利息。。
经济差,没钱还,银行倒闭, 哈。。很搞笑。。不知道该说“抵死”还是可怜他们。。

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I think I am not suitable for early retirement...hahahaa..
Already feeling bored though I just came back from Stated 2 weeks ago!! duh..
Suddenly some planscame into my mind when I go back to sg next week, hopefully I can get it done this time...sometimes hate myself from for not keeping what I have said..haha..


Some of friends told me:
Dont hold a relationship for too long..
Dont marry because you just feel like getting marry..

Question to my mind:
Then when should a couple get marry? haa...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Turun Harga la~~

Been back to KL for few days, found that the newspapers are reporting the same topic everyday..let's talk about few of the main topics over here:

1. "Economic tidak bagus..turn la harga "
- lot of sms being sent to the minister to request for price dropping in meals, petro...etc...and today's news saying that if those petro station operator did not drop their price to what the government have set, RM100K will be fined. Haa...so take note when you go for fueling your car..
- the "mamak" stall "Association" agreed to drop the price of roti canai and teh tarik by 10 cents..haha..btw, what's the current price of a cup of teh tarik in KL?

2. 新纪元风暴, 谁对谁错, 是是非非。。
- 都是华人, 就不能团结一点吗?? 唉。。

3. 曹格到底有没有被打??
- 看来娱乐界是没什么新闻了。。哈。。。

After reading a few days of news paper, found that actually Malaysia is having plenty of job opportunities as compare to Singapore, which make me reconsider my options if I not able to find a job still after 2 months..hm...

Sunday, November 9, 2008


昨晚和她及家人到中南区去吃鱼头, 还不错的, 但是很多人。。
吃到一半的时候, 突然有个军人头的中年人气冲冲地走过来。。一口福建脏话地“鸟”不停。。说什么等了这么久,为甚么他的食物还没来??!是不是他没钱给???!!

过了二十分钟, 那人就开始在座位闹了。。还摔杯子。。想必定是他的食物还没来吧。。然后又气冲冲的走到老板那里捣乱, 还拿了一张椅子丢向煮炒的地方。。嘴里还是不停地骂个不停。。

后来老板走过来说, 这位“老大"每次都是那样的。。没耐性。。最后来却想最快有得吃。。他们已经习惯了。。想必是今天赌球还是赌马输了吧。。

什么年代了??暴力, 大声说话就可以解决问题吗??中南区还有老大存在吗??大马还可以进步吗??

Thursday, November 6, 2008


早上起床,用过早餐后就上网..十一点, 收到PY的短讯就去用午餐了, 过后再到她家去上网,写RESUME..
突然电话响起, 以为是INTERVIEW CALL, 怎么知道原来是子健, 哈..忘记约了他到BUKIT GOMBAK 去打球..怎么知道到了球场,竟然没空场了,原来是学校假期!! 结果就和他到KOPITIAM去喝茶, 他说我没工做了, 就请我喝了一杯茶冰..哈哈..

等下将和友人到VIVO CITY 的无招牌去用晚餐, 哈..一群失业汉, 还要吃好料, 真是的..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


今天算是OFFICALLY被裁了, 早上到过公司, 办了所有的手续, 公司也给了一些纪念品, 是该走的时候了, 希望有机会再见吧 ~

回到家里, 开始整理, 无意间发现了一包东西, 打开一看, 里面原来都是这些年来,朋友们送的卡片和信件..
挑了几封来看, 才发现时间真的过得很快, 信上的字迹又些都快看不清了..

回想过去永远都是美好的, 不管发生的是开心与否..

Saturday, November 1, 2008


不知不觉,回来已经三天了, 还是无所事事.

今天又是七点起床, 然后去打羽球, 已经接近九个月没碰到球拍了, 哈..
在球场上, 熟悉的脸孔没几个, 来了好多新人, 哈..或许在他们眼里, 我才是一个新人吧!

打了两个半小时后, 就觉得好累..好累..
回家的路上买了一包NASI LEMAK...哈..随便买都觉得很好吃..


Friday, October 31, 2008

Are you follow your guts or logic thinking?

There's a book called " THINK BIG" , bought it in US before back to sg..

There's a sentence saying: " If you want to success in big, do thing by following your guts but not logical thinking "...

Hm..what do you think? partially agreed with that..
follow the guts might cause you lost a lot a lot~
A mixture of guts and logic wil drive you towards the later at the end most of the time..So, in order to success, guts or logic?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SG: Jobless & Aimless Day

Finally landed in sg after months, feeling a bit unused to everything back here, haa...i believe it take sometimes to get back to my old life style..

Well..jobless life = aimless life...at least it's apply on me..
This morning woke up at 7am, then sent her to MRT and grab both "MyPaper" and "Today" from the booth..bought breakfast from foodcourt, then went to NTUC to buy a pack of 3 in 1 coffee and a copy of " The Straights Times" ..haa...

Come back home had my breakfast andstart reading the newspaper till now..
Sound like an old man life right? haa...
Yesterday met up with Piere, Bobby, ShaoBin, CCY, Chia Yoong for dinner at FarMark, a nice warm dinner after so many months..everyone seem doing great in their work and personal life..glad to see that...

I told myself I need to regain my drive and find a job asap..!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Utah: THE END after 8 months and 7 days

The day has finally come after so many days in Utah.
Tonight is the last night in Utah, perhaps it will be the last time I will been in Utah again in my life time.

This 8 months is definitely a great experience in my life ever !!
Until now i still do not have any regret at all..though i am now returning without a job now..

For sure i will miss everything here, overall still been here for such a long period..I hope i wont get " homesick" when back to sg..

Complicated feeling, got to say good bye to the friends here and at the same time telling my friends in sg/kl that i am back..

Whatever bad memory in Utah, stay in Utah.
Whatever sweet memory in Utah, back to sg!!

Have a good one for those still staying in Utah and for those in sg, it's party time!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Utah: Last Night at Allegro Apartment Blk 11, Unit 1111

Aprt 1111, 292 Galena Park Blvd, Draper, 84020 Utah.
Tel: 801-501-8202

我在美国八个多月的住址, 一个曾经充满PARTY的地方.

刚从纽约回来, 在机场里的关口看到HOUSEMATE和家人正要入关, 可是距离太远了, 叫不到他, 连一句再见都没机会说, 只能远远看着他们, 心里感觉很难受..

回到家里,发现他已经把所有的垃圾都清理干净了, 只留下空空的大厅和他为我煮的晚餐..很感动..

朋友, 再见了!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Utah: I'm going home..

Tonight will be the last night of our trip in New York..heading back to Utah tomorrow afternoon...Got lot of thing to settle when i go back there..
Need to pack and move out on 23th and return car on the same day as well...After 23the i will become a person with nothing but 2 big luggages..Then still need to go back office to settle some admin stuff..
Probably will stay at my friend's apartment and sleep on the sofa for the following few days...

Still a lot of thing to be settled when go back to sg and KL..work, relationship, family..etc..probably this is what people so called " LIFE "..

But big concern for me now is to make clear which field i want to go for..so that i can concentrate on the job searching..Company did send out a lot of job opporunities but al still semiconductor...I dont know whether I should apply for it ...or keep my determination quit and involve in Customer Service ..

No body can help but myself...i know...i know...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Utah: 1220am in New York City

2 couples are sleeping soundly in he hotel bed..but i am still awake and writing this blog...ya...5 peoples and i am alone...but it's ok..i have my own fun though..haa..

Staying in Best Western Hotel tonight, it's located at the central of China Town..The China Town in NY is the 2nd largest chinese popularity in United Stated.
The largest one is in San Francisco.

Come to think about the trips that I had made in State:
Utah, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orlando, Miami, New York, Toronto, Washington DC, MarryLand, Philadelphia and Boston.

With all the trips and my friends I had made here, I tell myself again no regret on the decision to join the company.

I just want to know what I've gained and forget the losses here..
Overall none of us is the loser but the company which invested millions of dollars and now seeing everything is being dumped into the "salty water sea"

Good Night my friends~ Good Night New York City~

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Utah : Weird Dream..

Yesterday didnt sleep well in the hotel, keep doing a weird dream, I would say it's a bit scary..

What happen in the dream was that I keep dreaming that I was dreaming ( you get what i am trying to say?) ...Then in the dream i found myself keep awake from dream and looks around in the room and saw my friends are sleeping around me...but when i was trying to wake them up, I found that they couldnt hear me...like i was talking to myself or we are in different world and they couldnt see me anymore...sigh...that's really a weird dream that i had made so far...hopefully that's not a bad sigh..

Heading to Washington tomorrow and back to New York at night. Then will depart to Boston the next day..3 more days, will back to Utah and get ready to go back Sg..see you guys..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Utah: Last Trip in State ~ New York

Making a last trip in State with friends, in New York now...heading to Boston and Washington soon...

By right should enjoy the last trip, but some of them seem like cant get over of the sad news of retrenchment..

The expense and living cost in NY is really scary!!! 1st day took cab from air port to hotel already cost us USD$150!! damn it...then from hotel to Manhattan, a distance of a few miles also cost 50bucks!! crazy!!!

Whatever it is, now i steping on the street in New York..haa..a place where i never think of coming in my life...I should enjoy the trip :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Utah : 你把我灌醉..


在这里, 我也不记得醉了多少次, 但每一次都是美好的回忆.如果可以不用清醒, 我宁愿继续醉下去..

Friday, October 10, 2008

Utah: Reflection

Accepted the fact of being sent back..Life still moves on, and it's time for self reflection on what i had done over the last few months.

Some of my managers feedback that they have high expectation on me when they employed me, but base on the last few months performance, they think i am still not giving my best and they do not know what's the reason.

Partly because now working under parent company and a lot of decisions can not be made, sort of sense of belonging, cant go all the way out. Also, the drive is not there as compare to working in previous company.
Haiz..it's time to buck up once back to sg..

Some of them saying that i always do not stand firm on my principal. Always swing here and there, easily get affected by others. I admitted.

Need to learn how to stand in for own principal and do thing follow my heart and do not get influence by others.

Thanks them for all this valuable feedback, i believe that people fall and move on will succeed..i wish i will be the one..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Utah : Counting Down..

十月二十七日, 将会是我一生中难忘的日子, 因为这是我离开这个充满回忆的地方的一天..
带着满满的的希望而来, 却带着满满的的失望而归.
梦想和一群年轻又有冲劲的朋友一起打拼的日子, 破碎了..
眼看即将和大伙们各分东西的当儿, 心情很不是滋味.

回想起当初刚来的时候, 一转眼却要离开了...很不甘心~~
输了一切, 赢得了友谊, 我将会很珍惜这一群朋友..
CheeWee, Ians, Michelle, Handsome, Emily, Yordia, TingFang, KokHong, Jason, Francis, Andy, WenXuan, Jeremy, Daniel, Kenny, Lenny, Winston, Dave, HuZhong, HouFeng, HuangHe, KhaiLiang, Mark Lee, Mak Lai Ho, Jeff, Eric, WeeHiang, WeeSiang, TaiNam, RuShun, JiaWang, ChaoHong...etc...

一切将从新开始, 但我没有后悔, 只是很不甘心, 真的很不甘心..

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Utah : Life Is Like A Boat

Life Is Like A Boat
演唱: Rie fu

Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you thru another day
遠くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい
暗闇に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ
祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ
鮮やかに 光る海 その果てまで
(Being far, however you could think in the like darkness which had become transparent does breath just you are blindfolded praying, lowering, to the end of the sea which shines vividly it waits for new day )
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる
つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を連れてく
(In addition as for the being attached where it moves and keeps and stops wanting to sneak away the heart of the person accompanying the boat at new period)

Since i was born in 1981, i never feel that life is like a boat before, until it hitted me hardly this time..i felt it deeply..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Utah: Call It A Day

Went fishing this morning with Chris, a colleague that just knew him lately..
Well, again .i caught nothing..but Chris able to got 3!!
The sceneric is nice at the reservoir with winter coming..all the leaf start turning yellow and red..

Took a nap and woke up to cook Chicken rice..haaa...the taste is better than last time and served 7 peoples!!
Then continue mahjong session a CHeeWee's place...

Tomorrow got another company meeting...another annoucement...guess another bad news to be announcement..will see how ..haiz..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Utah: Tampanogos Cave

好累..腿好酸..哈..刚和大伙们去爬TAMPANOGOS CAVE..可能是太久没有做这类行的运动了..爬到一半, 腿就不行了..哈..不知道几年前我究竟是怎样爬上KINABALU MOUNTAIN的..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Utah: <<一公斤理由>>

在网上看到这篇文章, 想和大家分享..




Utah: 知足.

离婚, 前夫要打官司抢孩子, 自残, 有个败家的弟弟.. 似乎不好的事都发生在她身上了..
她告诉我说, 她放弃自己了..

另外一个同事爱上了有妻之夫, 她说很多人在追她, 她都不要..哎..又何必呢??




Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Utah: 鱼与熊掌..



天真的人可能会相信鱼与熊掌可以兼得, 那我曾经天真过吧...

当在妙想如何兼得时很爽..当你知道不可能的是时候, 心情会开始矛盾, 挣扎, 失去方向..

当在做了决定后, 还是会不由自主地回想, 但是你知道这一切将会过去...

不属于你的, 苦苦追求, 到最后还是一场空...

属于你的, 无论经过多少困难, 还是会回到你的身边...


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Utah : 最可悲的时候..

金牛座的人不是应该很固执吗?? 我的那一份去了哪里??

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Utah : Back from Holiday

一转眼,假期又过了 30-AUG ~ 06-Sept..钱也花光了..

Trip Route: Utah--> Florida-->Miami
Trip Members: PohLeong & Wife, Jeff, QingHui, Ians, Michelle and me

在去之前, 还蛮担心的..因为最近美国多个地区被"HANNA"热浪搞得不象样,很多地区的人口都被紧急疏散..FLORIDA, MIAMI 都是危险地带..还好我们到达的其间, "HANNA" 没来, 报道说接下来几天, FLORIDA 南部将中招..好险..

在FLORIDA呆了四天, 到了DISNEYLAND MAGIC KINGDOM, SEA WORLD, EPCOT去..一个THEME PARK的地方是大到一天都走不完那种..可想象在那几天走了多少路..哈..难怪一些人说去DISNEY需要用一个星期啦..去过后终于明白了..

第五天,就驾车到MIAMI去, 三个小时的路程..
MIAMI..到处都海滩..是个很悠闲的度假地方..很遗憾没有去到NUKE BEACH..哈..
最后一天到THE CRAB HOUSE 去吃SEAFOOD BUFFET..哈..我吃了十二只的OYSTER和八只螃蟹..好爽...

Photo Link: http://picasaweb.google.com/iversgee/FloridaMiamiTrip#


有位同事在车祸中丧命了, 虽然不认识她, 但是心里还是觉得很伤心,很感触..
发生了这件事后, 整个公司都士气低成, 看到老板们所做的一切, 让我觉得这间公司的人情味很重, 更让我体会到还有很多事情比金钱来得重要..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Utah: 望

希望, 期望, 失望..

如果我知道给了希望, 会带来失望..那我宁愿选择给于无望..


当一切不在你掌握之中, 别望..我想还是最好的办法..

这突来的变数, 是我让你失望了..希望惊喜可以弥补一切..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Utah: Paintball Competition

Yeah! Just back from company paint ball competition...out team " PAINTER" formed by Tiong, Joseph, WeeHiang, CheeWee and me...and we managed to go into the final..it's a close game but we end up with runner up...haa...only the the winnner will got prize..well..we had fun though..

1st game : FULL FLUSH--> Basically everyone just get a full loaded paintball and shoot..and see die first...haha...our team end up with 3rd place after the first game..suprisingly i just get one shoot throughout this game...hahaha...

2nd game : REVOLUATION--> Everyone just given 10 paintballs and stand face to face within a distance...no barriers...and this was how we fight..haa....each team take turn to shoot only 1 paintball...if you din get shoot, can continue to play, else considered out..i am lucky to the survival again!! haa...and our team manage to top this game...

Final -> Continue with Ful FLush again...and our team lost eventually..haa..

Will upload more photo when i get it from the committee members..
The person in blue in the photo is our refree..looks quite cool har ;)
Start working tomorrow, need to wake up at 430am again...sien...
oh ya..heading to Florida and Miami this weekend..but heard that Florida having big storm now...cham...hopefully the places we want to visit will not get destroyed..haiz..

Monday, August 25, 2008

Utah : Sense of Belonging

What's do you understand about sense of belonging?
When you're working in a company, do you feel the sense of belonging? What about at home?
You committed to work is it because you like the job? pay? or the surrounding peoples that make you feel like working in the company?
I believe every factors will play a part, but which is the most critical factors that make you have the sense of belonging?

seconds by seconds, hours by hours, days by days, months by months...and just realized that I have been here for 6 months, and base on initial end of assignment plan, i should have been in flight to return home this time around..
i used to be a simple minded person but the changes in company and life make me squeezed out my brain to think about a win-win situation, and this of cause included some sacrifies that i need to make in my life..

well..i know it's impossible to make all to what i wished, just hope that the decision will bring out the best of all..
suddenly recall William Hung "legency" :
"I have tried by best , and I have no regrest at all"..haaa...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Utah: 钓虾记..

今天大伙们到SCOFIELD STATE PARK 去钓虾..钓鱼每次都钓不到..放弃了..哈..
用了早餐, 就开始行动..刚开始蛮纳闷的..因为钓不到!!! 后来,看到几个小妹妹用麻绳吊个鸡腿就丢进湖里..我们还笑他们..虾这么小条..怎么可以吃鸡腿呢?? 死定啦!! 1分钟过后, 他们慢慢地把麻绳拉上来, 是满满的虾!!! 我们才恍然大悟, 这里的虾吃大肉,不吃小肉!!!! 我们竟然连小孩都不如!!! ENGINEER ??? 呸!! 哈...
真的咯!!! 用大鸡,虾马上就来..钓啊钓...到了下午四点..桶也满了..才甘心离开..

钓了虾,当然要在新鲜的时候吃咯..马上就到JEREMY 的家去煮..嘻..想不到还可以煮四种不同的味道..


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Utah : Fishing & Shooting

Went fishing with housemate and friend (wenxuan) at Utah Lake today..
The weather is still good in morning and so we didnt apply any sun block..who knows it's hot like sauna after 12pm!!! and we get sun burn badly..
Worst..we dint able to get any fish though we seeing many fishing jump here and there in the lake!!! duh!!!

But housemate and wenxuan were quite satisfied with today activities as they shot down 5 birds by using their pressure gun!!! haaa..i only can act the post...cant even get a water bottle down...so, gave up shooting and focus on my fishing..but still end up with nothing but sun burn...haa...

tired and my body like burning now..time to slp...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Utah : 滑蛋荷

今天煮了滑蛋荷!! 叫了3位同事来吃..还好评语不错..哈..第一次啦..
吃饱了..就聊聊天..围绕的话题还是做工, 朋友之类的..感觉还不错..



Saturday, August 9, 2008

Utah : 我是神枪手!!

哇哈哈..我是神枪手!! HOUSEMATE 去VEGAS 玩了去..在家很无聊..就拿了他的枪来玩玩..

Friday, August 8, 2008

Utah : 人因梦想而伟大..


踏出第一步的人,已经成功了一半..什么时候我才会踏出那一步呢? 脚已经抬起好久, 却缺乏那一分勇气走出去..当看到别人成功的时候,却还在埋愿自己..哈..好好笑..

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Utah : Ipod Touch ..Yea !!

Yea..My belated birthday gift!!! Ipod Touch neh!! Hurray!!
It looks cool ..wahahaha...still exploring how to use it..
Wanted to buy a ipod for long time...finally you make it for me ;)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Utah : Handsome & Francis Birthday

*Party Group

*Drunk Birthday"Man"

Finally a party again at my place yesterday ! Yea!!!
My apartment has been peace for 2 months after arrival of handsome's family..No wine , loud music...etc...but yesterday we all had great fun again!
There were 26 of us, included the 2 little one..haha..
Happy Birthday Tiong & Francis!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Utah : 心理学..

最近一直再想一个问题..我该去念心理学吗? 很有兴趣..但是可能又是三分钟热度 :(
喜欢帮别人解决问题..看到别人的问题得到解决, 那种满足感, 真的很棒..这些都是在工作上, 我找不到的..

今天是HOUSEMATE生日, 她又无端端发他的脾气, 为的又是一些小事而无理取闹..受不了..
HOUSEMATE又来找我求救..想了想, 就告诉他一个方法..然后我就出去买东西了..不想看到一些无聊的争执..

可是再想, 如果她真的不改过, 我想没有人可以帮她了..一次又一次..你不烦..我都累啦..

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Utah : What're You doing Boy??

LOOK!!! What the boy trying to do???!!!
Oh man..pain pain..

tomorrow is housemate's birthday..he himself organize a bbq and invites colleagues to come over for celebration...hopefully will be a fun gathering..

Happy Birthday Handsome!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Utah : PaintBall

Went for paintball game 2 weeks ago with a group of colleagues..$20 for 300 bullets..quite a good deal..of coz we had a lot of fun there!
when you get shooted, the paintball will just burst and your shirt will be gone...but lucky it can be remove easily ;p
when you get hitted on the body or hand, i am sure you will scream like hell..hahaa...it's really pain...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Utah : Life Without Network

Life without network is just sucks!!!
Network has been down since last week, you just cant imagine the life here without internet...the cons of being too dependent on internet...haiz...
Finally the network technician came to repaired the problem today, but who knows they just make it half way after helping to check the internet connection is working.
But wireless is still not up yet, so now i am connection to internet with the superv short network cable...damn poor !!!
They told me need to get the apartment officer to fix the router issue for us!! duh...

Let's post some recent photo that I have taken lately..

Mirror Lake

Park City Weekend Market

Digital Photo Frame & Printer (Prize from Photography Contest)