Thursday, December 17, 2009

"黑社会" 的日子

A tiring day...spent the whole day on interviewing operators and technician...
But the arrangement by thw recruit agency is making me to make a complaint to them tomorrow! Guess what...out of 70 applicants, I think more than 90% is Indian!!! I think they agent thought I am opening roti prata shop..Damn it.

I am not racist...but arent the ratio of the race is a bit extreme?? I also scared if ask me to work in "dark"..oh my god..haha..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

15-Dec Anniversary

Time flies, today is my 1st anniversary at my company unknowingly..hahaha..

with a lot of complaints, struggling and yet I am still surviving..time for celebration !!

Wohoo~~Next year this date, where will I be?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The LIght Finally On??

After struggling for weeks, finally today got some good news from QA, one of my lot finally passed through the QA inspection and able to ship out soon!!
I hope this "light" will keep turning on , at least for the coming next 2 months, else will still go back to the nightmare at work .

Looking forward to end dec, a trip to taiwan with my love one family..haha..this is the first time have trip together with them..hopefully will havea good time there !

going back to hometown next week..miss the little kid at home alot =)

Monday, November 9, 2009



This is the only one word I can describe my current work situation.

Everyone is paid to worked, but I am paid to be tortured. WTF..

I have had enough ! I am just a low paid engineer...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do You Always Want To Be A Winner?

Let's start with this conversation:

some issue in the operation today, a manufacturing engineer wanted to discuss the issue with the QA engineer..along the arguement:

story 1:
mfg: " i have sent out the email a few times to ask for checking"
qa: " what email??? everyone job responsibities is different, my job is not to check ur email lo!!"
mfg:" .....................then in future i dont sent email lo..." --> she is the "winner"

mfg:" i found some differences in the measurement method among qa auditor and mfg operator, can we get align on this?"
qa: " because my auditor hand is short ! so they cant use the method same as mfg ..."
mfg :" ......................nothing to say..."--> she is the "winner" again..

mfg: " if your auditor judgement is failed, but i myself verify it it's pass..can we discuss about this?"
qa" NO!! QA is always right, we are the king !!.."
mfg:".........................." (wtf...ya..she is the "winner" again)

end of story...can you imagine everyday i need to deal with this kind of people???
i wouls say my EQ is improving, but sometimes really cant take it..just dont want to arguement further and walk away...

i cant get well along with my boss, i cant deal with the supporting group...everything just make me think i am not suitable to's torturing!!!!
save me from hell !!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


搬了新家, 希望会带来一些好运.

可是最近工作上的烦恼却越来越多, 感觉没人能体会我, 我的角色往往就是两头不到岸.

给上司的感觉, 就是什么都做不好, 给下属的感觉是无能, 不能为他们争取, 令我觉得自己很失败.

以往我常常都以为自己有能力去处理很多事情, 现在却彻底地感觉到很失败.

我一直再坚持, 告诉自己我一定可以渡过难关, 但是一再的坚持, 却让我更觉得更失败.

好想问,你到底听到我吗? 可以给我援手吗?


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finally Moved In

Finally moved in the our new house after busy preparing for months.
Mum and sister purposely came down to help me for the move in..
Moving to a new house it's really tiring ..but all the efforts are well paid off after seeing the house is in a good shape..hee...with the new furnitures all moved in.
And realized that we need quite a lot of $$ to maintain a house, i already lost count how much I have spent over last weekend.

will organize a gathering at our new place soon =)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



他让我觉得他为了保护自己, 选择了不去信任一个朋友, 顿时让我觉得很伤心.

原来一直和你称兄道弟的朋友, 会因为一些小事而让你发现原来一直以来, 你都是个傻子.

我希望是我自己想太多, 因为如果继续带着不信任的心态去相处和做朋友, 我自己觉得是很虚伪.


有时侯我说的一些话, 其实并不含任何别的意思, 而她却往往会以为我说的话另有一番意思..
哎..做人为什么要钻牛角尖呢? 这不是为自己制造不必要的困扰吗?
所以很多时候很想更她吵起来, 但总是尝试控制自己, 不然应该很快暴血管.
解释太多, 反而让人觉得我是错的..

只是做份工, 这一切有必要吗??

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We're the new Owner!

01-10-2009 , another memorable day in our new journey of life! Finally we got our new house key today ! Hurray ! We were shocked when stepped in the house this evening, we think the owner did asked someone to clean up the whole unit after they have moved out yesterday..haha..Initially we thought they will left a lot of rubbish for us to clean up, but the fact tell us that we are wrong!

We found the owner also left a book shelf for us ! still in good condition, this will definitely help us to save some money..hee...

Then we met up the part time painter to discuss about the painting this coming weekend..after discussion, we dealed at $1.1k , included the materials and labor bit exp ..but i hope the $$ we paid wil be worth for it !

Looking forward to move in in 2 weeks time !! wahaha

Sunday, September 27, 2009

ROM Photos

Finally got my ROM photos from my buddy, Terence and just completed editing the photo and worked on some touch up..Here we go ! Will upload more photos on facebook when I got another part from Bobby..
Thanks all for making this memorable !!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What A Day !!

Wow..after joining current company for almost about 10 months, finally i have a chance to meet up with the operational director !! haha...but not for compliment but on some undeliverable tasks from us..
Well, he is quite a nice guy and very smart i would say..
but i guess my boss and my boss's boss are not so happy by being called in to his room..haha...
work still carry still goes on !!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Counting Down

Finally can have a peace of mind to count down for a new chapter for my life..

Have been busy in work for the new product launch lately, just had 2 qualification reports approved, 1 more to go, but shouldn't have big issue on closing soon it ! and now it's my personal time to prepare for my ROM and new house moving! yea ~~

After shopping around those electronics shops over the last few weeks, COURTS, HARVEY NORMAN, BEST DENKI, GAIN CITY, AUDIO HOME..we have finally steped down in COURTS with quite a good deal for 3 items. TV , washing machine and fridge plus free vouchers of about $650 !!

So, basically we have settled those big items for our new house.. the next key "milestone" will be to settle the painting, another headache on choosing which color..haha..

Hope everything will goes well and ready to move in on 18th-Oct'09 !!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


今天算是特别的日子啦, 因为很多9嘛..哈..而且也越来越接近我们的大日子咯..
在注册局里,看到很多Leng Lui, 哈..原来要结婚的人都是美美的..
过后到RAFLLES去走走, 结果她在NineWest买了一双$85的高根鞋, 而我也在FCUK买了一件长袖衣, 还没决定要不要在ROM上穿, 因为设计是蛮casual的..$99..
回到家, 睡了个午觉, 就到Saloon去修头发和染发, 又花了我$74..
一天没上班, 就花了一大笔..

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to set priority???

You're criticizing me dont know how to manage my time, dont know how to set priority...

And I tried to be more clear on my priority list and yet you're keep interrupting me on minor minor stuffs...

Please teach me how can i stay focus on my priority task??? WTF ...

When everyone telling me about the priority task and you're there to tell me you dont care about the due date, because you just want to get your thing done and dont care the rest !!! WTF...

I really dont know what should I expect from matter what I did, how I do...I am always at the wrong side..

Monday, August 31, 2009

Am I Shy ?

Just finished a test in Facebook, below is the rsult I got...haha...I think it's quite accurate..hee..


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Something Exciting and Looking forward

Finally my turn to join the group of married and being tied up!!

No matter how tiring, how frustrating in work, at least thre's something exciting and looking forward in the coming weeks! Wohuuuuuuuuu...!!

We didn't invite much people to join us for the joy. There're a lot of contraints as this is a grand solemnization event organized by Botanic Garden..

But we definitely wont miss you out if there's any customory and dinner going to be held in KL next year ! haa...


dou dai ji duo dai ji...hahaha...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


never never never ..really never face this kind of operators..

only know how to complaints...dont know how to contribute...

trying to protect them but end up said I useless, demanding, and pressure them...WTF!

well, they are paid to work and I just do my part..heard some rumours a gang of them trying to quit and looking for job aggresively now...WTF ! just go and dont complaint so much and make noise there! damn it !!

the line is not belong to me, all of you left wont cause any impact to me!! just go far far away from me!! WTF ..they think they are so damn good that deserve I pull them back or make me feel guilty?????! trying to threaten me?? WTF!! Fxxx off !!!

anything not happy with me...go to complaint to the boss...dont make noise there!! WTF!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


今天和友人到LIANG COURT 去用餐, 原本想吃TANPOPO的拉面, 可是却很长龙, 还要等上半句钟, 结果就到楼上的日式意大利餐馆去吃啦..人也蛮多的. 听说在日本, 可是有800多间分行呢! 在这里是他们的第一, 食物还不错.
但是, 我们其中一人却在他们的SEAFOOD SHOUDER 汤里看到了一只苍蝇, 哈..我马上就把WAITERESS找来,她也马上把汤拿进了厨房. 过了不久, 有个厨师走了出来道歉, 还告诉我们会把那个ORDER給取消. 我们以为他想这就算了, 可是过了不久, 他还拿了一碗雪糕甜品出来给我们吃, 那可是他们将九月才推出的, 哈..还不错啦..至少服务态度还可以..下次可以带你去 =)

还有很多人问我为什么你改了名字..哈..反正就改了嘛..也没什么不好..反而好事反而多了..所以也没解释太多咯..反正现在你就叫 PAIGE "珮琦"啦!! Hee..

Thursday, August 20, 2009


工作了五年, 这份工算是最吃力了.
叫OPERATOR 做工还要"请"他们..
还有, 最累累累...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Efficient Night Work

Oh ya..just back from office...
Actually knocked off at 445pm, went to IMM to collect bus ticket and had dinner.
Then went back to office again at 9pm..

No time to clear paper works during normal working hrs and accumulated tones of works to be done and going back to KL again this coming weekend.

So, no choice need to go back to clear some of it before it becomes a mountain..
Well, no regret to go back though, at least able to get a lot of works done.
and now i am still awake!! shit...

I think i am more suitable to work at night..may be can suggest to my boss to change me to night shift..haha..

Monday, August 10, 2009

李俊邑 (YI)

李俊邑 , 这是我的新名字.
想一想, 这也是我第三次改名了,这将是最后一次了.
现在的我, 将以"俊邑" 从新出发了!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


他妈的!! 佛都有火!!
我只有一双手!! 这个要, 那个也要!
每天看到一些人做工时都是嘻嘻哈哈的, 准时喝茶, 可怜的我却忙得连上厕所也是顺路时才顺便解决一下. 真是他妈的!!

If no body care, why do I ?????

Thursday, July 30, 2009


今晚不知道怎么了, 脑海里一直涌起一些回忆, 一些连自己都觉得不可思议的事情..好奇怪..

Monday, July 27, 2009


越来越多问题, 是在挑战我的能耐吗?
今天收到三封辞职信, 再加上之前的两个, 受不了.
更糟的是, 有些人还在制造另一些问题, 当我是垃圾桶, 把他们不要的人都说要送过来.
人走了, 而我却没有选择似的, 要嘛就拿, 要不就没人. 这是什么世界???

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today received a weird call from a stranger in office.

He knew my name, extension number inside production floor and also some issues in my line!!

I was stunned when the guy start talking...i cant really get what he was saying at the first place because I was still in shocked..but i managed to catch the last few words from him.

Initially I thought my colleague was trying to fool me around, but then I know it was not.
I guess there's someone in the production is not very happy my current leaders or my management style and trying to bring up my attention.
Been running production for almost 5 yrs, this the very first time I received such call..hmm...
I dont think i am going to do anything, but will monitor the situation and see what the person is true.

haa...I thought this kind of scenario will only happen in drama, but now it's real life story to me..think my job is getting more exciting ! not about the production output target but the people management portion..

wish me luck ! hopefully the next call wont be any threatening content if there's any..else i think i am going to bring up to management or may be a police case...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting Frustrating..

well well well, it's time for me to show my anger here again!!

" your problem become my problem, my problem stil my problem"..recently because of someone, i get a lot of troubles in works...everyday fire fighting and need to entertain my boss at the same time...very tiring...

Initially I thought I can handle these, but when issues getting more and more, I think I would like to surrender and show the white flag ... oh my...give me a break ~~

Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ Gone

I think today the header of the news is all about "MJ" passed away..ops..hang's not Micheal Jordan, it's Micheal Jackson..

Just heard that he is going to have a worldwide concert soon, but who knows the death news is coming faster ..

As usual, like issss....soooo...unpredictable..
Enjoy our life, my friends ~

Finally it's weekend !! Going to watch Transfomer 2 tomorrow!

Monday, June 22, 2009

This is what blog for..?

Wondering since when, this space become a place where i use to throw all my anger..

I know it's no good to show anger infront of, this is the only way ..

recently lot of things happen, either on work or personal life...

hope things will getting well soon...and looking forward to a new chapter of life !

Friday, June 19, 2009

Early Morning

haha..I'm in office now while awaiting for the production to start. Ya's Saturday early morning 7am here..guess most of you guys still sleeping soundly at home!

The project that I'm handling is at the final stage now, shifting from R&D mode to production recently a bit locked up by all the works and rushing for many last min issues, and due to the tight schedule, need to trigger OT during weekend and that's why I am here to follow up on the on-going activities..

mm...some thought of mine recently.
Will you reply other's sms or email when you receive it from friends or colleagues?
For myself, I hate those people that receive but not intend to reply.
Then what do you expect people to guess what's in your mind, " ok or not, want or dont want, do or no go, can or cant" , just a simple reply which I dont think will take up a lot of time but yet I always facing this problem. So, next time dont ask me why I never "jio" you for drinks, meal or any others activities order to save the trouble and the sms, i think that's the only way..

Enjoy the weekend !!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yea! We have changed the decision to have ROM in Singapore now !!

Everything just turn out so coincidentally..haha..

Firstly on the night, she received a call from her mum saying that she dont mind if we can have the ROM in Singapore. Then after this, we saw this poster in U Magazine..and it's just nice the event going to held on the date we wanted to have initially...20-09-2009!! haha..

So, we just make up our mind and fill up the application form and sent it out 2 days later. Now still pending for the organizer to confirm our application. Will send out the invitation once we have receive the confirmation..

Anyone interested to have this together ? heee...

Monday, June 8, 2009


不喜欢干涉别人的做法, 但是可以给意见;

也不喜欢别人干涉我的做法, 但是我可以接受意见;

不问自改, 很"堵兰";


但是因为你是上司, 我只可以默默地"堵兰"..haiz..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

我以为我可以应付, 原来我不行.

我以为他们会明白, 原来是我一厢情愿.

我以为我喜欢管人, 原来遇到挫折我会想逃避.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Frustration at Work

yes, it's 1117am, working hours and I am taking a short break to write this blog..been a few weeks i did not update this little corner..

very frustrated at work today..someone trying to make me hot! well, i know there gonna be no ending fighting if I raise up my voice..but does it means that I need to keep quiet every time?

ppl say you must fight back when you think you are doing nothing wrong,
ppl say you need to have high EQ and settle thing in good manner..

Well, i take the latter one but the problem is i am not able to settle the thing, i just walked away without arguing more with the person..

another 6 hrs to go!! i know this is just a work for will never ever make any sense of belonging to me..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Badminton Friendly Match


-Group Photo with Opponent Jurong West Town Council-

Yea..Today had a badminton friendly match with Jurong West Town Council at Choa Chu Kang Sports Hall, and our team -LIGEL- has won the friendly with overall score of 8-2, we lost in 1 men double and mixed double game,the rest all won but with tight fight =)
I had played in 2 doubles , and won both with straight partner covering me a lot..particularly they are very good in smashing as compare to me. haha...
The next away match will be held at Jurong West Town Council in May..Hopefully I will have time to join the team for another challenge.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I cant achieve "BIG" in life???

hmm...I has ruinned my own weekend by saying something wrong in office during the last hour of work today..sigh ~~

Actually I trying not to say that I was wrong, but in fact I did not feel good after I said that..hmmm...somemore the person I was talking was just behind of me!!! duh...

I hope he wont keep that in heart in fact that's was something he did wrong, but may be I should not complaint about him as I might did the same mistake myself if I were the one who doing the same thing?? Hmm.....

Well, my friend told me I shouldnt care so much about what I said, especially when I am reflecting something in reality, if not I wouldnt achieve "BIG" in life and career...haaa...
And something reflecting in my mind right after he said that, " I cant achieve "BIG" in my life if I continue to behave in that way???"

A self of thought for myself...a very good question to ask myself...

Hope tomorrow will feel better =)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Thing to Share

Check this out! Just take you less than 3 mins to fill up the application form.
For the lovers, dont miss this out hor..

Even I am not a Seoul Garden lover, but FOC, why not?? haha...

Application after May need to pay for $70..hurry hurry!! come like selling my own

Friday, April 10, 2009

Weight Gaining Action

Finally determined to gain weight...and here i start with my action!!!'s a bit costly on buying the powder..and the person told me need to consume 3 to 6 months..oh my god...
Anyway, I know it's usless without kicking out any action, so heck care, I just bought one and try out first..

The recipe suppose to be 3 cups per time and mixture with cold water or milk, in order to make it more efficient, I am gonna have it with full cream milk! whahaha...
But the cup is really big ...and after 1 time of drinking, I have decided not to follow theier instruction...see the photo and you will know what I meant by "BIG" haaa...

I wanna gain weight!!!

East Coast Park

Picnic =)
From right: Married & Mummy, Married, Attached...haha..step by step la..

Yesterday went to East Coast Park with SY & YY's family after dim sum session at Red Star Restaurant..

Haha...YunSze is lonely...for those who has married, just quickly make one baby and be companians for her..hahaha...any one akan datang? Waiting for good news yo!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


今天阅读新闻的时候被吓了一跳, 曾经以<叶子>一曲而大红的她, 静悄悄地离开了, 是乳癌.


还是那句, 人生无常, 好好过每一天.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Holidays Month??

Almost forgotten 10th-Apr is Good Friday ! Yea..Another long weekend!!

2 weeks later, is another long weekend! Labour day!!!

But where to go??? Anyone of you got any holiday trip? let me know if you have any..then we can hop in..haha...

Thinking to go for a short trip ..but no idea where to much leave can take, so, at most a 3 days 2 night trip...hmm...where where where???

Sunday, March 29, 2009


很多时候,当你在跑步时会随着自己的脚步跑, 和时间比赛.
但是,当被人超越时, 一般人都会不甘心落后地飞起直追.
从那一刻开始,他就不再跟着自己的脚步跑了, 而是跟着别人的时间在跑.

做人, 很多时候应该实在点, 可能那个人到最后跑输了, 但是他还有体力去做别的事情, 而你却可能累得需要休息几天, 到最后, 他可能才是真正的赢家.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


有时侯当你很盼望一样事情的到来, 它偏偏迟迟不来..

当你决定要安定下来,设定目标向前冲的时候, 它才静悄悄地来了, 告诉你现在给你一个机会,要不要??

为什么??? 虽然不知道结果会如何, 我给了自己一个机会,踏出那第一步, 过后才做打算吧.

话说回来, 星期四有个interview, 是一个之前很加入的公司. 都不知道该怎么跟老板拿半天假..现在忙到半死...

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Weekend!! Hohooo..

Yo Yo, it's weekend!! hahaha..finally..

Just came back from a ex-colleague farewell dinner ..Feel great to met up with them again..
Throughout the conversation, I can feel I'm still with them..that's really make my night!

Of cause, heard a lot of complaints from them about the new changes in the company after bought over by another company...Indirectly, this make me feel that I had make a right decision to leave a year back..At least, I did not feel regret after I hearing from them..

I remembered that I was so struggle to decide whether to leave or stay with them that time, and at the end I left and it's proved me right..This make me feel that sometimes we need to make a decision base on our gut feeling, go ahead with what's in your mind and dont hesitate to do it =)

Oh ya...My friend is running a hostel business in Orchard now..In future, if you have any friend or relative is visiting SG and need a budget accommodation, you can call me up, I wil try to arrange with my friends with special discount rate..hehe...

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Insight into Decision Making

Got this from my boss today =)...quite interesting and meaningful..

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. The train is coming, and you are just beside the track interchange.
You can make the train change its course to the disused track and save most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way?

Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make........ .......


Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. You might think the same way, I guess. Exactly, to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was. This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted and knowledgeable the minority are. The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him. The great critic Leo Velski Julian who told the story said he would not try to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that track was still in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train's sirens.. If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track! Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of all passengers on board at stake! And in your attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids. While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one.

'Remember that what's right isn't always popular... and what's popular isn't always right.'

Everybody makes mistakes; that's why they put erasers on pencils.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


During our weekly meeting today, my boss suddenly asked us about self-reflection, he wanted us to do a quick test to see which group are we belong to, whether you're a leader, teamworker, co-ordinator, follower...etc .

I was stunned and found out that I'm actually know nothing much about myself, or may be I do not know reflect myself?? haaa..I really dont know...I always believe people surrounding me will know me more than myself...

Sometime I consider myself as a leader, but sometimes I dont..hmm..


Today also conducted interview for technicians...This make me recall the days when I was laid off and looking for jobs...and today when i went through the process, I think I have the same feeling for those applicants...Most of them were also retrenchded by their company and jobless for months..haiz...feel bad to tell them that I have only 1 vacancy is openning..


Getting busier in work lately, and today finally stayed back for unpaid OT to do some documentations...but the stupid system really driving me just cant imagine it took 2 hrs to upload just 4 documents !!

8 working hrs
3/8--> meeting
1.5/8-->lunch +break
1/8 -->checking and reply email

So,in short I left only 2.5 hrs/day to do my work and follow up...This is my working life...

Monday, March 16, 2009

1230AM in SG

Just came back from ex-colleague's wedding dinner and taken my shower...guess tonight will sleep for 4 hours and wake up for work again...

2nd night without you with me, else you will be nagging to sleep right now..
No body play Spot The Difference with me...I cant even score >1000!!

Looking forward your return...Have a safe trip !

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's Weekend ..

It's weekend ...she is flying of to US for business trip in about 12hrs..Gonna miss her for about 2 weeks =(
Just uploaded some photo that taken with my E71..

Acting like a watch model while having tea at West Mall =)..haha

Helping out blood donation publicity with Jurong Medical Center...great experience but very tiring..

Home cook pork chop...wahaha...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

一波未平, 一波又起..

唉..感冒还没痊愈, 昨天又牙痛, 我想智慧牙又在搞怪了..很痛..

工作开始很忙了, 很多DOCUMENTATIONS, 很麻烦..又要安排INTERVIEW..
我又变成垃圾工程师了.. 什么都得做..

你们呢?? 大家还好吗??

Monday, March 2, 2009


Counting down on calender, another 13days to go then will get my confirmation letter from company, but did not feel any excitement at all..
The works is ruining me lately, getting bored and helpless..May be that's what I deserved now after enjoying so much in Utah last year =(

Job is bored, life is also getting boring..Cant find any thing in life to spice up myself..And now I am sick! Damn....Why the bad thing always like to come at one short???

Anyone, anything can spice up my life??? Please tell me !! =(

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


结果昨天就到NTUC去买了一些材料, 煮了肉骨茶, 看起来还OK吧? 哈..
刚才放工回家, 把它给弄热, 就吃了,虽然过程有点麻烦, 可是对喜欢烹饪的我来说, 还好啦..

每天又要吃什么呢? 应该不会煮了, 因为家里没有什么材料, 有点不方便, 偶尔煮一餐还可以的 =)

Monday, February 23, 2009


上个周末参与了一场羽球比赛, 最终因为自己和Partner Eric有太多的失误而败了, 一胜二负, 哈..对我来说还不错啦, 旨在参与, 毕竟太久没有参加比赛了, 会紧张 ;P 还是技术遇到了瓶颈??

日子还是一样,看看屋子, 到朋友家聚聚, 工作...
开始有点觉得生活失去了一些东西, 却说不出少了什么 =(


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18-02-2008 ~ 18-02-2009

Today it's a memorial day in my life, this was the first day I joined in my previous company Utah a year ago. 2 more days, that will be the date when I stepped in United Stated for the very first time also..

Time flies ~~~

Look back at the 9 months training in Utah, it's always sweet =) though the ending is totally out of our expectation, but I hope everyone from Wave 14 is still doing good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

有一天当你在失去方向后再找到了出路往前走的时候, 突然你又发现另一条出路, 你会选择去探讨新的路, 还是继续往前走? 一切假设继续往前走一定会到达目的地..

我不知道自己是否比其他人幸运, 因为有得选择.
如果可以, 我选择不要, 因为我知道要做一个决定, 往往是痛苦的.
很多时候, 当你对一样事情绝望的时候, 又偏偏让你看到曙光, 而你却又不知道那一点光是否永恒.

这次, 路又该怎么走呢?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Searching for a Unit

Phiew..Yesterday went to view a few units at Choa Chu Kang and Yew Tee area...just realized that the process is quite tiring...but well, imagine that I am buying a house at my own for the very first time in my life and build the sweet home in my own for the very first...I think the process is worth it !!
Lucky that I have superv agent Piere to fetch us here and there and helping me to sort out the available units, really appreciated all the effort that he had put in !!

Actually found out a nice unit near to Yew Tee Mrt, but the asking price is too scary, totally out of our budget, $$ what to do..haha...

Tonight going to view another 2 units...Yea ~

Ok, if you are looking to buy or sell house, please ask the superv agent contact from me!! wahaha ;P

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Middle Man"

Sometimes during works, we not only need to learn how to follow procedures, think of improvement, but at the same time need to be a part time "middle man" or councellor..$$$ is not easy to earn nowadays =(

Today i became the "middle man" between process engineer and my technician.
Some misunderstanding and causing email flying here and there, I was so fed up on this and asked them to stop and pull them into a meeting for discussion instead. Luckily, both parties were happy with the end discussion result.

Simple thing, make it complicated and never think of how to solve the that how the people works nowadays???

Monday, February 9, 2009






经济不景气, TOTO又没中,又减薪, 可是民以食为天的定律, 还是没有改变! 哈..
上个星期五, 我们两个就到JURONG POINT的 KUSHINBO 去狠狠地吃了一餐日本BUFFET..还$$的时候差点哭了出来, 但是不管这么多了, 哈..食物都已经吃到肚里去啦!

厚厚的鱼生,多汁又多肉的北海道蟹,多样的SUSHI..每隔半小时还有免费的限量美食, 只限首二十位到柜台的顾客, 如果你有去, 记得跑快点, 哈哈..

Monday, February 2, 2009


今天年初八, 晚上将拜天公, 想想也好几年没拜了, 好怀念以前可以和哥哥及表弟妹们一起放鞭炮的时光.

今年新年捞生捞了五次, 明天和同事们又将去捞第六次, 捞浆多, 希望今年真的可以过得更好吧!

这个拜六有一千万的多多, 一定要去买! 没中六个号码, 中五个也不错啦! 哈哈哈..发啊!!!

我们家的小孩, 可爱吗??

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


最近收到朋友的一则短讯, 说到与其要别人去迎合自己, 倒不如让自己去附和别人.

想了很久, 还是想不通...

在朋友和朋友之间, 我觉得没问题. 但是在工作上可行吗?

尤其是在新的环境里, 如果没有建立自己的风格, 还要去符合别人的处事方式, 可行吗?

认识了一个新同事, 他的想法很异常, 但是往往让我有恍然大悟的一刻.

他给了我很多工作上的意见, 我觉得很有道理, 但是每个人性格和想法都不一样, 很多时候找不到平衡点.

如果我没办法去改变一件事情, 以前的我会选择放弃, 现在的我会选择继续尝试, 但是我不知道我的底线在哪里..到最后结果会是怎样...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My New Gadget-Wahaha!!

Finally get my handphone changed!! heee..slim and cool ??
In fact my W810i still in good condition, but still cant resist to change a new handset as my plan has already expired...
Called up Singtel to get $50, at the end just need to pay for $288 to get a PDA phone ~ Nokia E71
First time in my life to use PDA phone..the phone built with a lot of function and looks very pro..but I doubt I am gonna use up all the applications..haha..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catch Up Session

Yesterday had a great catch up session with our buddies at town.(WaiYew, Kok, ShaoBin,YuYing,SingJie, of coz me and Pat as well..hee)

We had 北海道拉面 at somewhere near Raffles Places then headed to "TheMindGame" for drinks and games at Boat Quay. It has been quite sometime back when I came here...haa...I think almost 1 yr ago! Walked through those pubs and found most of the peoples there are "Ang Mo" ..Recession ??? and only Ang Mo still affortable for such life style?? or the night life expenses in SG is cheaper than their countries?

Haha...the video below will tell how much fun we had there, though I fall a slp dring the fun time, but still able to record down this funny moment...haha..
btw, i dunno what's name of the game they were playing, i just heard "一张一张,两张两张..四张四张.." like "Le-Long-Ling" in the market ;P

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

令人讨厌的人 !!

Today attended a meeting with process and R&D team..Just feel like whacking a person so much after he start talking!!

Really can not take it ! Heard about his name for many times since I joined in, but today is the first time we sat in the same meeting room. Though I am just consider a audience in the meeting, but the way he talk really make me feel like #$%^^&@ him..sigh...

I would say he is very smart and capable (People who doing R&D normally is quite smart right? hahah..) but once he start talking, you can feel how "YAYA" this person is and everyone seem like transparent to him..

Hahaha...i never meet such person so long time, let me recall a Senior Manager in my ex ex company...

Just now I was thinking how am I going to deal with such person in the future..Hmm...

Friday, January 2, 2009


Attended a gathering cum farewell session at Red Star Dim Sum this morning, glad to see the old faces and buddies!

Feel so great to catch up with everyone during the gathering, make me feel like we still remain as ONE TEAM after went through the tough time. After this gathering, few are going back to Utah for job, few are heading to Denmark, Sweeden, Norway..etc to start their new job training, some are busy preparing for wedding and start up own busines, the chances to get together will definitely become lesser and lesser.
That's the reason I tried my best to attend every gathering that we have right now.

GOOD LUCK my friends!! Cheers !

**Cheers for ONE TEAM members!!!**


Hmm..Think I said something wrong today to my lead.
From the very beginning of work, I found the lead is quite capable but just a bit fresh. So, I intend to develop her as fast as I can and today I talked to her and asked her to change the way she talk.
Mmm....i think i used the wrong method by comparing her with another lead which make her emotion changed in one second, though she did not say anything but I can feel she is not very happy with what I said.

I keep thinking of what I have said to her just now and I found I was wrong.
Haiz...I should use a better way to communicate with her.
Nobody like to be compared with others and being told on their weakness, so do I.
and why i still using that method on them???

I learnt the first lesson in my new job today.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I believe majority of the people will really work hard on the thing that they have determined to do it. Then what about me?
Been teeling myself that I need to keep my promise on something but after sometimes I still did not move on, what happen to me??
Only if someone keep an eye on me or threaten me then only I can move on from there?
Hmmmm...Sometimes that's the case.
So, if the people got so much influence on you, will you consider the person as a very important person in your life?

Today is the 1st day of 2009, and my new year wish is to keep on promise that I have made to myself!